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Games Overview - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game

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Game Details
Name:Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game
Manufacturer:Fantasy Flight Games
Popularity:The game is played by 17% of the T³-Users.
It's the preferred game of 11% of the T³-Users.
The T³-Users can field a total of 17867 points.
Rating (1-5):
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Average rating 4.6 after 1605 vote(s).

Info: You have to be registered and logged in to rate this game!

This is a list of all supported armies/factions, their distribution between the players and a statistical review in the tournament field:
First Order7%5%8364.176
Galactic Empire44%31%115310067
Galactic Republic7%5%9762.944
Rebel Alliance46%33%143198.7468
Scum and Villainy26%18%101598.0663
Separatist Alliance5%3%8467.7610
  • DP: How many players play this army.
  • DA: How big is the percentage of all armies.
  • TN: How often the army was used on a tournament.
  • TS: How strong is the army on tournaments. The strongest army is used for an index of 100 (see army ranking for details). A value of 0 means that we don't have enough data for a classification yet.
  • TV: How often did the army win a tournament.
  • If there is another army/faction behind a name in brackets, the entry is a sub type of this army/faction.
The distribution is based on 222 players from Belgium with 313 army selections. The tournament data is based on 3944 tournament placements. You can enter your own armies, if you create an account.

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Flight Academy: The Galaxy's Greatest

Published 18 September 2018 | X-Wing Second Edition Flight Academy: The Galaxy's Greatest An Interview with the 2017 X-Wing™ Coruscant Invitational Champion Welcome back to X-Wing™  Flight Academy, cadets. At ease. We are now racing full-speed toward the 2018 Coruscant Invitational, and that means we're nearly due for some explosive combat. Our patrols are at high alert, and we have to expect that enemy squadrons are too. After all the engagements we've witnessed during the course of the 2018 System Open Series, we expect the battles at the Coruscant Invitational to be fast and furious, and we expect there to be casualties. How can you play your part? That's why we have you here. You have to prove yourself at a System Open Series event to qualify for the Coruscant Invitational, and that means flying like a true ace. Our special sessions of Flight Academy are designed to help you take your game to the next level—one that should help you survive the challenges before you, offer you greater insight into the action you witness during our livestream on Twitch, and might even help you win a berth in next year's Coruscant Invitational. What's the difference between flying a routine patrol and emerging victorious from a dogfight with laser blasts erupting against shields and hull plating in every direction? Skill is part of it. But so is preparation and the right mentality. Whether you'll be joining the action at the Fantasy Flight Games Center or following the games on Twitch, it's always good to learn from the aces—to understand how they've risen to the top. Today, we're happy to bring in our guest instructor, last year's Coruscant Invitational Champion, Jeremy Chamblee. 2017 X-Wing Coruscant Invitational Champion Jeremy Chamblee shown with the trophy from his victory at the Mustafar Open. Interview with the 2017 Coruscant Invitational Champion Jeremy Chamblee FFG: How did you get started with X-Wing? JC: I've played with miniatures since I was a kid. First with LEGO men battling over the toy box, then on to the big stuff. One day I walked in to my friendly local game store, an army of minis in tow, and I saw some folks surrounding a table with TIE fighters on it. I immediately asked them what they were playing, they said it was a new game called X-Wing, and I asked to play. One game in, and I was hooked. FFG: What hooked you? JC: The imagery first. I've always been a fan of Star Wars, and one of my favorite video games was Rogue Squadron on the N64. Tabletop games are my passion, so when someone told me I could play with TIE fighters in a tabletop game I wanted in. Once the childlike wonder faded a bit, the game itself was gripping. Planning maneuvers, strategy, the whole bit. FFG: You mentioned TIE fighters instead of X-wings. Does this mean you're an Imperial player at heart? JC: Yes, I've always enjoyed the aesthetics of Imperial ships. And I do enjoy playing the bad guy. Palpatine is probably my favorite character in Star Wars. $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 600, innerWidth: 600 }; $('#EA38').colorbox(opts); }); FFG: Interesting. I mean, you don't root for him, do you? How is he your favorite? JC: No, he's pretty clearly the villain here. But I enjoy the character for the conflict he creates in Luke and Vader. The throne room scene is my favorite part of any Star Wars film. FFG: What sort of tournament experience did you have prior to the 2017 System Open Series? JC: I had played in lots of local tournaments, though I had never gone much further than Austin to do so. I had attended Regionals in Dallas for the past four years. No premier level events, though. FFG: How confident did you feel going into the 2017 Mustafar Open, where you qualified for the Coruscant Invitational? JC: Considering Regionals was only a week prior and I had turned in a somewhat disappointing 4-2 performance, I wouldn't say I was too confident. I really was just happy to be there to enjoy a nice X-Wing vacation with my friends. I wasn't really that concerned about the actual games. I approached them the way I approach casual game night at home. FFG: Why do you think things turned out differently, then? Did you change your list? Did you benefit from the added experience? JC: I think it was a combination of changing my list and just being relaxed. At Regionals I played Chiraneau and "Quickdraw," more focused on finishing games quickly than anything else. I switched to Parattanni because I couldn't think of anything else to play that week and had enjoyed it in my testing. The "Parattanni" list was popular throughout much of 2017. It consisted of Fenn Rau, Asajj Ventress, and Manaroo, all with Attanni Mindlink. FFG: Were you more anxious during the Regional tournament? JC: Yes, I definitely wanted it more at Regionals. I had gone four years in a row and only made the cut twice. Each time, I got bounced in the first round! FFG: So you’re saying it's kind of like the mentality they always encourage before big tests: "You can't do much to prepare the night before. You're either prepared, or you're not. Get some sleep so that you're fresh in the morning." That idea? JC: I think so. I felt much more relaxed at Mustafar than at Regionals. FFG: What were some of the tougher moments you faced at Mustafar? JC: Every game had tough moments, even the ones where I had the "better" list. FFG: Did any stick out in which you remember making choices about how you were going to fly through them? JC: My Top 8 game was against my friend Raul, who I drove down with. He had “Whisper,” “Countdown,” and Yorr. I had to get rid of “Whisper” to have a chance, so we got tangled up in it, and I had a decision to make. Asajj is in the corner and can either go for a hard turn or bank with "Whisper" looking right at her. I take the bank to leave my options open and hope for a collision. Raul reveals a Speed 4 Koiogran-turn, which is excellent on a TIE phantom normally, but thanks to Yorr would be no issue. He just barely clipped my base and collided, swinging the game. Had I turned instead, “Whisper” would have ended up behind me with no arcs pointed at her. FFG: Once you qualified for the Coruscant Invitational, you knew you were going to have to fly some wildly different squads. How did you go about preparing yourself for the challenge of flying each faction and having to draft a portion of each of your squadrons? JC: I had no idea what to expect at Coruscant, apart from having to fly very different squads, so my preparation was just flying a little bit of everything as much as I could. Something like knowing the Quadjumper doesn't have a Speed 1 bank maneuver could be very helpful. FFG: The format for 2017 Coruscant Invitational required you to bring squadrons of no more than 77 points and then fill out your squadron in a draft. Did you practice all the different 24-point builds you'd be looking to draft? JC: Before the draft picks were revealed, I asked my friends to build me mini-squads to play around with. We erred on the side of janky and oddball squads to make things more interesting. Once all the mini-squads were revealed, I'd build my 77 point squad and before each game I'd roll an eight-sided die to determine which mini squad to add that game. It kept me on my toes and forced me to adapt to a new addition each game. Because I couldn't plan on having any one ship, I built my 77 points to be self-contained and considered the draft ship to be a fun add on. Also, I knew there would be at least one lower pilot skill generic ship in every game, so I skewed towards a slightly higher pilot skill so I could potentially destroy a ship before it could fire back. Oh, the irony… In the finals, my drafted TIE Striker, "Paul Jr.,” was destroyed before he could fire. FFG: What moments stand out from your games in the Coruscant invitational? JC: Three of them stand out as pivotal moments in three of my games. First, against William, I had Rexler Brath on one hull against Miranda with three hull as our only remaining ships.  Rexler was facing away from Miranda, hiding behind an asteroid as he prepared to K-turn. Miranda could not turn in to shoot because of asteroids, so she did a Speed 2 bank, then slammed for a Speed 2 hard turn, triggering Advanced SLAM to fire off her seismic torpedo. All William had to do was roll a hit, and it was over for me and Rexler. But the dice did not favor him, I survived to K-turn and finish off Miranda. Second was against Jesus. Miranda again, actually. Miranda was his key to winning that game, as Fenn Rau is generally my key to winning. I focused exclusively on Miranda, bringing down her shields. She moved, then slammed to drop bombs right in front of Fenn Rau, who, in turn, collided with her to avoid them. Miranda was near an asteroid and I had my drafted Quadjumper prepared to tug her onto it. I flew up and was millimeters short! $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 309, innerWidth: 200 }; $('#15D0B').colorbox(opts); }); Instead, I opted to focus, figuring he would not move Miranda so he could bomb Fenn Rau. He did, dealing two damage with a Sabine-boosted Conner Net. Fenn Rau then tried his best to navigate the Cluster Mines, only barely clipping one. I rolled two crits and Fenn Rau was gone in one turn. I thought it was over. Then I remembered my Quadjumper at Range 1 of Miranda who had three hull left. Three focus results later, and she's gone as well. Last, but not least, in the final game with Zach, I got the dream result with Rexler Brath versus a Bandit Squadron Pilot. My three hits landed with no evades, and using Rexler's ability I got the facedown damage card converted to a Direct Hit! It was the Imperial dream. Sadly, there were no pivotal moments in my game with Mishary. He just slapped me around. I think he's pretty good at X-Wing. FFG: I know you were at the 2017 World Championships not long after the Coruscant Invitational. What can you tell me about that competition? How did it compare to the Mustafar Open and the Coruscant Invitational? JC: The competition is stiff. It was my first Worlds, so I wasn't sure what to expect. But the one thing I noticed more than anything was how well prepared and how sharp everyone was.  Even when I was going up and down in the middle tables, players were playing very deliberately, not making a lot of mistakes, and punishing me severely for mistakes I made. FFG: You say the competition was stiff. Were the games like stand-offs, or what was your sense of the community? JC: The community was great! I had a blast meeting lots of new people or putting faces to names. All the players I got games with were very friendly and fun to be around. FFG: Okay, final question. What advice would you offer anyone looking to raise their game to the next level? JC: I think the best advice I can give to a player looking to improve their game is to simply play a lot. Play more games with more ships to just learn how things move, how they fight, and how they work together. Try out successful lists or ones that give you a hard time. The easiest way to learn how to beat something is to fly it. Then you'll know how it loses. Talk your games out with your opponent or other players. They might see things you don't and vice versa. Draw experience from as many sources as you can. I would recommend variety early and focus later on. Knowing the various ships' capabilities can help determine what you want to play, what fits with your play style, and can help just knowing your potential foes' capabilities. Once you find what works for you, get comfortable with it. Refine it, practice against as much as you can. It's often more important to just not make mistakes than always make the perfect plays. FFG: All right, that's all I've got. Anything you want to add? JC: Just one thing. My absolute favorite part of the tournament experience—be it for a summer kit or Worlds or the Invitational—is the community. Interacting with other players, seeing old friends, making new ones—that is the best part of going to events like these. At Worlds, I got to see five of my fellow System Open Champions, and it was great to spend more time catching up with them, encouraging each other in our games, and congratulating or commiserating after it was all said and done. We're lucky to have such an open and inviting community filled with really great people to not just game with, but to simply be around. If anyone hasn't gotten the chance or taken the opportunity to go to an X-Wing tournament and meet these great folks, I would highly recommend it. Discuss this article in our forums! © and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.
Flight Academy: Flying in Formation

Published 11 September 2018 | X-Wing Second Edition Flight Academy: Flying in Formation A Look at Formation Flying by 2012 World Champion Doug Kinney   Welcome back, cadets. We have another vital lesson for you in today's X-Wing™ Flight Academy! Over the past weeks, we've seen a lot of you hitting the flight simulators, and many of you are looking as though you're just about ready for battle. You know how to fly to your ship's strengths. You understand how your squadron is a fighting unit that's more than just a bunch of ships flying on their own. And we've seen you applying the latest lessons from our look at the "Rule of 11," timing your attack runs so that you're getting the better of the opening engagements in your simulations. Now, as you're nearly ready to fly into battle, we want to talk about formations. After all, you and your wingmates are supposed to be supporting each other… so you definitely don't want to stall each other or push each other into asteroids as the enemy's closing in! We'll get you some video on this one soon—you'll see the concepts we're addressing today put into action during the 2018 Coruscant Invitational. But until that time, you'll want to absorb the principles of formation flying and then put them into practice, practice, practice. Your guide through the advantages, disadvantages, and practicalities of flying in formation is none other than 2012 World Champion Doug Kinney. Doug Kinney plotting a maneuver en route to his World Championship victory. 2012 World Champion Doug Kinney on Flying in Formation Since the beginning of X-Wing, community members have written and shared many great articles about formation flying. A guide for understanding movement—which has been largely regarded as must-read information—was posted to the X-Wing community forums by user "Osoroshii." Rather than rehashing his post, I'll just direct you to either read or re-read it. It provides highly detailed descriptions and graphics that help you anticipate where your ships—and your opponent's ships—will end their maneuvers. He outlines many useful tricks for eyeballing distances and describing how to keep ships tight together and maneuver them without having them overlap each other. A key point to remember is that if two ships start a round side-by-side with each other and both want to bank, the "inside" ship will have to choose a smaller bank than the "outside" ship. For example, the inside ship in the graphic below executes a speed-one right bank maneuver, while the outside ship executes a speed-two right bank maneuver. Knowing the ways that the individual ships maneuver is essential information if you wish to fly your ships in formation, especially if you want to fly different types of ships together in the same squadron. Another consideration is whether you wish to fly your ships in a tight formation or a loose one. Flying in Tight Formations When I talk about tight formations, I am referring to ships, generally small-based, that fly together, keeping within one ship base of each other. One such formation is the pinwheel formation identified by the user Klutz on Team Covenant's forums. This is a tight formation of four ships, offset from each other just enough to allow for banking and turning in tight spaces. It is a very effective design for flying four ships very close to each other. Swarm players typically fly their ships in tight formations to benefit from advantages that tight formations have to offer. One of the key advantages is being able to train all of your guns on a single enemy ship. Firing all your guns at one ship after another in this way can quickly burn down your opponent's squad. Ships flying in tight formations will often choose the same maneuver in order to keep their spacing. For example, if one ship in the formation dials in a speed-two straight, all the other ships in the swarm will likely execute the same speed-two straight. This means that over the course of a tournament, flying tight formations can be less mentally taxing. Another key advantage is that if your forward ships move before your opponent's ships move, you can maneuver your formation so that you force your opponent to overlap your front ship while the rest of your formation will have Range 1 attacks against it. There are disadvantages to these tight formations, as well. If your opponent moves before you move your ships, he or she can quite easily place a ship directly into your lead ship's flight path and cause your entire formation to collide with each other. Also, flying a tight formation around obstacles without overlapping them is extremely difficult. This is one of the main disadvantages of flying in a tight formation, as your opponent can place obstacles to obstruct and control your flight paths before a single ship is placed on the board. As we saw in our article about "The Rule of 11," a squadron that gets lured toward an asteroid field must make a difficult choice—fly past the field and leave its ships exposed to incoming fire, or turn into the field and break formation in order to face the approaching enemy. Another major disadvantage is that when you fly against arc-dodging ships, the fact that all your ships are pointing in the same direction makes it easier for the arc dodger to avoid your arcs, leaving you with an entire round of zero shots. Also weapons with "splash damage" effects, like Seismic Charges $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#FEB2').colorbox(opts); }); or Concussion Missiles $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#183DE').colorbox(opts); }); , have a higher likelihood of hitting your entire squad. You have to keep these disadvantags in mind, alongside the advantages, if you choose to fly in a tight formation. For this reason, when I fly a swarm, I prefer to fly in loose formations. Flying in Loose Formations When I talk about loose formations, I am referring to ship proximities that are measured in range bands instead of ship bases. Pilots with a range-based effect, like "Howlrunner" $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 419, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#13FDD').colorbox(opts); }); or Biggs Darklighter $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#10D03').colorbox(opts); }); , allow you to fly your ships a bit looser while still flying in formation. Here's an example of a loose formation: Both Garven Dreis $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#2645').colorbox(opts); }); and Corran Horn $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#11B28').colorbox(opts); }); are within Range 1 of Biggs, and are thus able to benefit from Biggs's pilot ability, but they are more than one range band away from each other. One major advantage of a loose formation is that you can navigate through obstacles much more easily than you can in a tight formation. Also, loose formations fare better versus arc dodgers, as you can cover more area, making it much harder to avoid all your firing arcs. Similarly, overlapping your opponent's ships—or your own—becomes far less of an issue while flying in a loose formation. Each of your ships has a little more freedom of movement if you are simply trying to stay within a single range band, so you can be a little more unpredictable with your maneuvers. This unpredictability can, however, become one of the drawbacks to flying a loose formation. Often, your ships will perform different maneuvers each round, and over the course of a match or a tournament, loose formations are far more mentally taxing than tight formations. You also have to be better at judging maneuvers and distances in order to keep your optimal spacing each round, so loose formations are more difficult to fly and maintain. A Sample Formation Back in first edition, during the Wave IV meta, traditional TIE swarms that flew in tight formations had an extremely hard time defeating the TIE/ph phantoms that could then decloak right before they activated, allowing them to begin their maneuvers with a speed-two straight template to the right, to the left, or forward. As I was determined to find success versus the TIE/ph phantoms that I faced, I developed an opening that took advantage of TIE/ln fighters broken into two tight groups, flownly loosely. This setup allowed me to be unpredictable with my opening maneuvers, especially when I combined my maneuvers with the barrel roll action. By the end of the Activation Phase on round two, I could keep my ships in two separate groups, making it difficult for my opponent to decide which group to target, or I could merge both groups into a single unit, flown loosely around "Howlrunner." As an example, if my opponent set up his or her whole squadron on my right, I could bring the left group over toward the right group. After a single round of maneuvering, they could start to look like one large, loosely flown swarm. In the diagram below, you can see how the front two TIEs from the left group executed bank maneuvers, while the back two TIEs of that group performed straight maneuvers. The right group's front TIEs went straight forward, while the back TIE turned to stay behind the other two. After maneuvering, all my ships were able to perform the focus action, except for "Howlrunner," who was at the back of the left group and performed a barrel roll to get closer to the right group. Knowing that my opponent and I would likely start firing at each other on the next round, the diagram below illustrates how, although I started out with two separate groups, I have brought the groups together to form a single formation around "Howlrunner," with all of my TIEs able to perform their actions before battle begins. In addition to granting me the flexibility of bringing my TIEs together into one big group or keeping them apart in two separate groups (for better flanking and area control), spreading my ships out into the loose formations of this opening allowed me to block my opponent's TIE/ph phantoms' decloak options while still maintaining firing arcs, often with the bonus from "Howlrunner." Having Fun Is the Most Important Part of Flying Whether you choose to fly in tight or loose formations, you can find success and gain satisfaction from knowing you have flown your ships well, regardless of the outcome. Just be sure to get plenty of practice! Have fun! Discuss this article in our forums! © and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.
Flight Academy: The Rule of 11

Published 4 September 2018 | X-Wing Second Edition Flight Academy: The Rule of 11 Guest Writer Kris Sherriff on Planning Your Initial Engagement Welcome back, cadets, to another session of X-Wing™ Flight Academy! Over the last couple of weeks, we've talked about what you can expect from your ship and your wingmates. You need to know what role your ship is designed to play, and you want a good idea of how you're supposed to help your squadron. It's no good to try flying your A-wing like it's a bomber, and you won't be helping your squadron if you're exposing yourself early when you're supposed to be the closer at the end of a battle. These are vital pieces of information to absorb and process and carry with you deep in your gut whenever you fly to battle. However, they are just that—information. When the enemy jumps out of hyperspace and you're locking your S-foils in attack position, all that information is great, but it won't help you actually fly your ship. How do you approach the enemy? Do you race in full throttle? Do you spread out and approach slowly? Do you and your wingmates split up and try to flank your foes? Sure, you know the role your X-wing is meant to play, and you know that you're supposed to draw fire away from your squad leader so that she can swoop in at the end… but how do you get there? Well, that's what we're starting to cover today with a look at that initial engagement. It's vital that you start the battle on the right foot, and that means getting the most from your opening shots. You want all your guns firing, and you want your opponent to land as few shots as possible. It takes skill to set that up, and so we're going to start by going over something we call "The Rule of 11." Taking you through the lesson is today's guest instructor and longtime X-Wing enthusiast Kris Sherriff. Kris Sherriff surprised his opponents at the 2017 World Championships by flying the squad he designed for his X-Wing 101 article. Kris Sherriff on "The Rule of 11" The Rule of 11 is a fundamental X-Wing concept, and many among the game’s community assume that all players understand it—no explanation needed. But if you’re newer to the game, you may not yet have heard of this rule, so what is it, and what does it mean? The Rule of 11—Ships deployed directly opposite each other at the Range 1 line must close a total of 11 base lengths to end their movement within Range 3 of each other. Simple, right? It is, but the ramifications are profound. The Rule of 11 on the Table The Rule of 11 relies on the understanding that maneuver templates in X-Wing are placed at the front of a ship’s base and slot into the ship’s rear guides at the end of its movement. It also demands that you remember a small ship’s base is the same length as a straight speed-one maneuver. A large ship’s base is the equivalent of a straight speed-two maneuver, twice that of a small ship, and a medium ship’s base is 1.5 times as long as a small ship’s base, placing it squarely between a speed-one and speed-two maneuver. Also worth noting is the fact that each range band is 2.5 small bases in length, and this means a few things in relation to the Rule of 11: If you and your opponent both deploy your ships so they touch the back edge of the board, your engagement is now based on the “Rule of 14.” If your small-based ship has not passed the Range 2 line from the board edge—the point at which you can first deploy obstacles— it can complete its speed-four Koiogran-turn without falling off the board. (Remember, though, that your nubs count as part of the base!) To put an extra range band between yourself and an enemy pursuer, you need to perform a maneuver at least three base-lengths faster than your opponent. That's a lot of numbers, so how about an example? If an X-wing reveals a speed-two straight maneuver, it will travel three base lengths forward. Let’s say it is flying directly at a TIE bomber that executes a speed-one straight. Between them, the ships will move a total of five base lengths. Given our understand of the Rule of 11, we know that there are still six base lengths to go until the ships will be at Range 3 of each other. This basic math forms the core of the Rule of 11 and it's particularly vital when you fly a list that aims to deal the majority of its damage in the opening engagement, such as if you were flying a squad of ships with torpedoes or missiles that are restricted by limited range bands or that require you to lock on your target before you fire them. The Rule of 11 and Initiative A deeper understanding of the Rule of 11 leads us to the idea that pilot initiative matters for more than just who moves and shoots first. It plays into our considerations of when a ship will activate and if it can complete its movement unobstructed. If we continue our earlier example, our X-wing and TIE bomber still have six base lengths to travel before they are at Range 3 of each other. If the X-wing moves first, it cannot fly far enough that it will end within range to acquire a target lock. The X-wing’s fastest, speed-four straight maneuver would still leave it one base length outside of Range 3. If the X-wing pilot executed a straight speed-four maneuver, that would allow the TIE bomber to perform any of its straight maneuvers and land in the correct range band to obtain a target lock and launch its Concussion Missiles $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#10AA1').colorbox(opts); }); . Meanwhile, the unfortunate X-wing, which was unable to acquire a target lock, must fire its primary weapon instead of its Proton Torpedoes $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#10402').colorbox(opts); }); . What we learn is that a better understanding of the Rule of 11 and the two ships’ maneuver dials may have led the X-wing to open with a straight speed-four maneuver, allowing it to end turn two at Range 3 of the TIE bomber and acquire a target lock. What if You Don’t Fly Straight? The above example relies upon both players opting into a joust, in which they line up their ships, fly directly at each other, fire, turn around, and repeat—until someone’s ships have exploded in a hail of laser fire and “pew pew” noises. It’s trickier to take the information that we gain from the Rule of 11 and apply it to more typical scenarios, in which you need to approach the fight from a different angle. If you are flying against a ship with a turret or against an arc dodger and your opponent lines up this ship directly opposite your entire list, something is not right. These ships are highly unlikely to opt into a joust, and this is where some patience and understanding of the asteroid field can set you up for success in tournament play. In fact, asteroid placement is a topic worthy of discussion all on its own, but recognizing the areas of the table in which you want to conduct your engagements is vital. (In fact, three-time World Champion Paul Heaver actually addressed asteroid placement in his first “Turn Zero” article.) Simultaneously, we need to recognize that because we have 75 minutes to play our tournament games, we really don’t need to be attacking as early as turn two. A slow approach that avoids early commitment can go a long way to helping you find a favorable engagement. Committing to a speed-four or speed-five straight maneuver may seem like it will allow you to jump on isolated prey, but this is where you should ask your opponent about the ship’s dial and actions. The chances are that the isolated ship will have a speed-one or speed-two turn, plus an action that allows it to reposition after its maneuver. If you commit too hard to the chase, your opponent will just retreat that ship, and you will be left flying into a corner of the table while the rest of your opponent’s squad maneuvers in behind you. Here we see how the Rebels have successfully baited the Imperials into chasing a single X-wing. When that X-wing turns away from the Imperial squadron, however, the Imperial pilots face a tough choice: continue to pursue the isolated X-wing or fly into the asteroids in order to face the incoming ships. Alternatively, if you turn too early, you could leave space for that ace or turret ship to get behind your guns. A better option might be to look at the paths through the obstacles and plan where we can turn into them to cut off the enemy ship while using the rocks to protect our ships when the enemy comes back around. Here, banking toward a gap in the asteroid field could be better than plotting a turn into the same gap—if it leaves you more options in later rounds. The Maneuvers Are Relative As we can see, even once the Rule of 11 becomes a more complicated string of variables, it’s useful in the way it encourages us to consider the worst outcome of any given maneuver in relation to where our opponent’s ships could end their maneuvers. Kris has been playing X-Wing since the first wave of the first edition and shares his unique analysis of the game's newest and most interesting squadrons on YouTube. Discuss this article in our forums! © and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.
Flight Academy: Getting More for Less

Published 28 August 2018 | X-Wing Second Edition Flight Academy: Getting More for Less Guest Writer Paul Heaver on Action Economy in X-Wing™ Welcome back to X-Wing™ Flight Academy, cadets. At ease. You're all here because you want to be pilots. More than that, each of you has expressed interest in earning a promotion to squadron leader. Well, the good news is that we recognize your potential. We think you've got a real shot of flying with the best. The bad news? There's not really any bad news at this time, but the truth is that you don't just become an ace after one or two lessons. There's a lot of skill—and practice—separating the new recruits from the aces you'll find at top events like the X-Wing World Championships and the 2018 Coruscant Invitational. But you can make it there. We've seen it time and again that raw recruits apply themselves in the academy and then find themselves battling for the fate of the galaxy against ace pilots like Darth Vader $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#17C2F').colorbox(opts); }); , Han Solo $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#8D01').colorbox(opts); }); , and the Grand Inquisitor $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#8948').colorbox(opts); }); . So how can you get there? Well, we started you on your journey last week with an introduction to the different types of ships you might fly. After all, it doesn't matter how great a pilot you are, you'll never transform a HWK-290 into an A-wing. The ships aren't really comparable. They're built for different roles, and if you want to fly either one successfully, you need to use it appropriately. That said, you can still learn to push your ships harder, to get more from them, and to fly them more effectively. And after you learn how to get more from each ship individually, you can look for ways that your whole squadron can fly more effectively. So where do you start? For that answer, we turn to one of the most successful aces ever, three-time World Champion Paul Heaver! Paul Heaver in action during the 2016 North American Championships at Gen Con Indy Three-Time World Champion Paul Heaver on Assembling a Top-Notch Squad When you want to build a squad, there are many questions to ask. The first is: what do you want the squad to do? For example, you might be looking to test out some new ships that just came out, you might want to experiment with an idea for a thematic list, or you might just want to win a tournament. After answering that first question, more questions will arise. For this article, we’re assuming you want to build a competitive list to bring to an event. Whether this is a small league night tourney, the 2018 Coruscant Invitational, or the World Championship—the process always involves similar lines of thought. The next step is to figure out what kind of list you’ll be running. These come in two main styles. More of the Same, or the Variety Pack The first option for your list uses all, or almost all, of the same type of ship. Seven TIE/ln fighters, six Binayre Pirates $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#3DEE').colorbox(opts); }); , and five X-wings are all examples of this kind of list. These lists don’t have “closers,” ships that are stronger in the late game with fewer ships on the board. Instead, they concentrate on overrunning their opponent with their early game strengths. If your opponent can overcome your advantages, though, you might find yourself falling apart in the endgame. As a result, these lists try to take out opposing endgame ships quickly to minimize their impact. The next style of list uses different ships, carefully selected to cover for each other’s weaknesses. Usually, these lists will designate one ship as a “closer” that they prefer to have as the last ship standing against whatever the opposing list has left. For example, in first edition, there was a once-popular list consisting of Manaroo, Asajj Ventress, and Fenn Rau. These were, respectively, a support turret ship, a durable "tank" that could provide stress control, and a heavy hitting arc dodger. All three ships fulfilled different roles, and they made it hard for your opponent to attack one ship’s weak point without getting crushed by the other two ships in the list. Additionally, Asajj and Fenn were both great at being endgame ships. The math and the ships changed slightly in the later waves and with the introduction of second edition, but the principles have remained the same. Balanced squads include some ships that cover for the weaknesses of others—helping to ensure your endgame ships don’t get destroyed in the first few rounds of combat. Both styles of list can do well in competition, so there’s no right answer. One type of list tries to magnify the strengths of the individual ships to overwhelm, while the other tries to minimize the weaknesses of the individual ships. When building a list, you need to find a balance of increasing the strength of the list versus decreasing the weak points. Balance Through Action Similarly, you can take the same view while picking your upgrades. Do you want to magnify the strengths of your ship and squad or minimize weaknesses? An example of magnification would be running effects that assign tractor tokens in a list that packs a large alpha strike, such as a missile salvo. You were already hoping to deal a lot of damage in the beginning of the fight, and assigning a tractor beam token to a ship before you launch your missiles means your missiles will hit more often, and you’ll be doing even more damage. However, the addition of the Tractor Beam $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#29C6').colorbox(opts); }); or similar effect doesn’t counter any weaknesses of a large alpha strike list—such as the opposing ships dodging your missile arc. If you wanted to minimize that weakness, you could put in an upgrade to counter their movement, such as Ciena Ree $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#56D7').colorbox(opts); }); . Serissu uses a Tractor Beam to pull the X-wing closer, allowing all of the Black Sun Soldiers to target it with their missiles. Speaking of upgrades, they are generally the best way to improve your action economy. Action economy is your ability to get extra actions, above and beyond the one your ship is naturally allowed. Very few pilots innately have extra actions, such as Darth Vader, who can gain extra actions by spending Force tokens. A slightly larger group of pilots grant bonus rerolls or tokens, like "Howlrunner," $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 419, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#EA52').colorbox(opts); }); Horton Salm $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#1221E').colorbox(opts); }); , and Garven Dreis $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#119BD').colorbox(opts); }); —provided you meet their requirements. However, the largest source of action economy is upgrades. Upgrades like Lone Wolf $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#AA7D').colorbox(opts); }); , Predator $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#1B63').colorbox(opts); }); , and Fire-Control System $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#14DC9').colorbox(opts); }); can boost the action economy of any pilot with the matching upgrade slot, and when you're building a list, inserting these upgrades is almost always a reasonable choice. What Is an Action Worth? An action to modify dice is often worth more than an extra die, which explains why extra free actions are so good. Rolling four attack dice without any modifiers results is an average of two damage. Now compare that to rolling three attack dice with a focus, which yields an average of 2.25 damage. When you have two actions to modify your dice with a reroll and a focus, then you only have a 1 in 16 chance of missing on an attack die! A focus token is usually a better addition to your three-die attack than a fourth die. Even if you can't pair both tokens for a full reroll and focus, the upgrades we mentioned earlier significantly reduce your odds of getting stuck with blank dice. So getting those extra rerolls and actions is important for consistent good rolls and avoiding bad luck. Action economy comes with a cost, however. First of all, the action economy upgrades cost squad points and upgrade slots. Then, they usually have some limitation on their use. Lone Wolf only works if you can position yourself farther than Range 2 from all friendly ships, Predator requires you to catch your target in your bullseye arc, and Fire-Control System requires you to acquire a target lock—and then not spend it. So, how do you use the action economy cards? You want to minimize the limitations. You put Lone Wolf on a ship that flies well alone, and in a list that doesn't expect to fly in formation. The TIE Advanced x1, Millennium Falcon, and Outrider are all strong flankers that could benefit from this upgrade. Similarly, Predator goes best with high-initiative pilots like Soontir Fel $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#C6F2').colorbox(opts); }); , who can line up their shots with repositional actions. When you are creating your squad, make sure to think about how to work around the limitations that your upgrades bring. From Theory to Practice The final thing to do when building a squad is to steal the best and most popular squad lists and try them out! X-Wing has a very active online scene, composed of people who track all kinds of useful data and lists. There are streams and recorded video of many popular lists. Picking up a list someone else created will give you a good idea how it flies and why it is so good. If you like a list, you can stick with it. Even if you don't feel a list fits your style, flying it will help you if you have to fly against it in the future, as you will be better at guessing your opponent’s movement and target priority. Another benefit of exploring other people's lists is that you might see a few tricks that you can take back into your own lists. For example, you might see a lot of people making use of Thane Kyrell's X-wing $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#3FB4').colorbox(opts); }); , so try it out in a list. Maybe you decide to change a few upgrades and build a different list around the new ship you have assembled for Thane. You might even surprise your opponents with the changes you made. It’s never bad to get flight time with popular lists. You can learn a lot from them! Discuss this article in our forums! © and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.
Flight Academy: Know Your Ships

Published 21 August 2018 | X-Wing Second Edition Flight Academy: Know Your Ships Guest Writer Zach Bunn Explores the Four Pillars of X-Wing™ Attention! Okay, cadets, you've made the grade. You're all in X-Wing™ Flight Academy, and that means you're all going to be pilots someday. Sooner or later, you'll graduate, you'll get into your fighter's cockpit, and you'll fly to battle. But will you help us win the war? Will you find glory at the battles of the Coruscant Invitational? Or will you explode in a fiery heap? If you want to be part of our eventual victory, then you had better listen up! One of the first things you're going to have to learn is that all fighters are not created equally. They're not all built the same, and they're not all meant to play the same roles in your space battles. If you don't pay attention to this basic fact, you're going to fly your ship wrong, and you're going to end up on the wrong side of some other pilot's laser cannons. In X-Wing, each ship doesn't just come with its own range of possible maneuvers and actions. These things grant each ship its own distinctive style. This was true in first edition, and it's true, now, in the upcoming second edition. And while each ship has its own style, we can group them into four larger archetypes—or pillars. Understanding these pillars is key to approaching your battles successfully. To that end, we're happy to bring in your guest instructor, Zach Bunn, a founding member of Team Covenant and a perennial contender on the championship circuit. Team Covenant co-founder and perennial X-Wing contender Zach Bunn Zach Bunn on the Four Pillars of X-Wing If a Blue Squadron Escort $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#F553').colorbox(opts); }); and an Academy Pilot $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 419, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#EBD5').colorbox(opts); }); fly directly at each other and repeatedly attack, perform Koiogran-turns, and attack again, who would you predict to win? This sequence is an example of jousting, the first pillar of X-Wing, and any would-be pilot should know the answer. The First Pillar: Jousting To calculate who we would expect to win a joust, we can follow five steps: 1.    Calculate the odds of the attack dice (50% chance of each die hitting). 2.    Calculate the odds of the defense dice (37.5% chance of each die evading). 3.    Calculate how actions like Focus and Evade change these outcomes. 4.    Multiply those odds for each attack die and defense die involved in an attack. 5.    Determine, based on average damage, how long it would take for each ship to blast through the other ship’s shields and hull. This may seem complex at first, but after a bit of practice these calculations will become second nature… Stick with me. Learning the odds can even help you win your battles! Let’s go forward with our dogfight between the Academy Pilot and Blue Squadron Escort. If we go to the board, we can work out the odds of these ships dealing damage to each other. The probabilities below assume no actions, tokens, or range modifiers. Ship (Dice) 0 Damage 1 Damage 2 Damage 3 Damage Academy Pilot (2 attack vs. 2 agility) 59% 31.25% 9.75% 0% Blue Squadron Escort (3 attack vs. 3 agility) 40% 33.9% 20.5% 4.8% Even without considering how the X-wing’s two shields impact the outcome, we can see that the Blue Squadron Escort is much more likely to do damage. It even has a 4.8% chance of dealing lethal damage on the first shot! Once you’ve seen the math, it becomes obvious that the Blue Squadron Escort is heavily favored to win this joust. But what happens if we upgrade the Academy Pilot to a Black Squadron Ace $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#44F0').colorbox(opts); }); ? Who wins? This brings us to the second pillar of X-Wing—arc dodging. The Second Pillar: Arc Dodging Arc dodging references a ship’s ability to slip out of enemy ships’ primary firing arcs. So why does upgrading to the Black Squadron Ace force us to reconsider our hypothetical winner? It may not seem significant, but this shifts the TIE/ln fighter pilot’s initiative from one to three. The Black Squadron Ace can therefore better take advantage of its positional action, the barrel roll. The Black Squadron Ace moves after the Blue Squadron Escort, meaning it can use its barrel roll to create turns that it can shoot at the X-wing while the X-wing cannot shoot at it. This reduces the Black Squadron Ace's chances of taking damage to 0% whenever the Blue Squadron Escort cannot fire, and this changes our math completely, especially if the Black Squadron Ace still gets to attack! Our example illustrates two key components of arc dodging—initiative values and positional actions. The most legendary arc dodgers also tend to have highly mobile movement dials and access to not only positional actions, but the capacity to use multiple positional actions on the same turn. Classic examples of arc dodgers include Soontir Fel $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#10CEB').colorbox(opts); }); with his Autothrusters and the Grand Inquisitor $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#29D2').colorbox(opts); }); with Supernatural Reflexes $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#6023').colorbox(opts); }); . Both ships have mobile dials, initiative values of five or higher, access to boost and barrel roll, and the ability to use both positional actions in the same turn. If these highly agile ships can avoid attacks completely, arc dodgers must be the best ships in X-Wing… right? Well, to answer that question we arrive at the third pillar—turrets. The Third Pillar: Turrets Some ships can rotate their turrets to shoot enemies outside of their primary firing arcs. Therefore, it is much harder to arc dodge attacks from these ships. There are two ways to acquire turrets in X-Wing. The first is to field a ship that has a native turret, like the Millennium Falcon $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 297 }; $('#13B4F').colorbox(opts); }); . The second is through the turret upgrade slot, which can hold upgrades like the Ion Cannon Turret $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#17400').colorbox(opts); }); . While both options allow their ships to line up shots outside their primary firing arcs, the Falcon can fire in two directions at Range 1-3, while the Ion Cannon Turret can only shoot enemies in a 90-degree turret arc at Range 1-2. Not all turrets are equal. While turrets are powerful, and while they offer some interesting combinations with the game's gunner upgrades, they also have their drawbacks. The first is that rotating your ship's turret arc requires an action, taking away from your chance to focus, lock, or perform a positional action. Additionally, ships with turrets typically cost more squad points, have less mobile movement dials, and have lower agility. The Y-wing is a perfect example, as it sports only one agility and a less-than-maneuverable dial in exchange for its turret upgrade, shields, and hull. So, if jousting is countered by arc dodging and arc dodging is countered by turrets, what counters a turret? You may have guessed it… jousters! Joust-based lists do not spend their squad points or upgrade slots on turrets, gunners, or arc dodging capability. Instead, they spend their points on raw efficiency, consistency, and quantity. Just imagine a list packed with expensive turrets engaging a list that never had any intention of arc dodging! Uh-oh… The Fourth Pillar: Bombers Late in the game's first edition, we saw a fourth pillar emerge in the form of bombers. A bomber is a ship that carries munitions, like Seismic Charges $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#240B').colorbox(opts); }); or Proton Bombs $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 300, innerWidth: 418 }; $('#1275F').colorbox(opts); }); . Bombers turn the traditional math of X-Wing attack sequences on its head, because they don’t need to attack to do damage. Direct damage counters ships that spend their points on defensive efficiency, and dropping munitions on the board limits the maneuverability of enemy ships. Because of their unique capabilities, bombers offer an entirely different way to think about X-Wing. While the first three pillars naturally counter each other, bombers lie somewhere in the middle. If they can predict the maneuvers of jousters and turrets, bombers can lay munitions accordingly. Against arc dodgers, they can drop bombs in the lanes required for positional actions like barrel roll or boost, and the direct damage is often lethal to these ships. If bombers can be used effectively against all three of the other pillars, are they the ultimate weapon in X-Wing? Not quite. While being in the middle of the pillars has benefits, it also has costs. Using munitions effectively is difficult, because it requires predicting enemy maneuvers. Bombers still rely on dice when defending or performing standard attacks, and, like turret ships, bombers tend to have low agility. Also, bombers generally have lower than average attack values, as well as limited maneuverability, and they must spend both points and actions on their munitions. Like the rest of the pillars, bombers have advantages and disadvantages. They are unique in that they don’t specifically counter a pillar, but they aren’t easily countered by the other pillars. Using the Pillars How do we make use of our understanding of the different X-Wing pillars? Learning how the archetypes interact with each other gives us a starting point for every list, engagement, and maneuver. Some squads focus exclusively on one pillar, while others attempt to bring tools from each to the table. You'll see this at the 2018 Coruscant Invitational, and if one archetype gives you headaches consistently, you can start running ships to counter it. Your consideration of the pillars begins with squad design. If your entire list focuses on a single pillar, you should have a major advantage against the pillar that you counter, as well as against lists that use the same pillar as you. This is a good route when you are new to X-Wing, as you’ll want to maximize every advantage as you go into your first few games. But this also means you shouldn’t feel bad if your arc dodgers get trounced by turrets or if your jousting list just can’t pin down an arc dodging ace. If you choose a more balanced approach to squad construction, you’ll find there isn’t really a direct counter to your list. This leads me to the second way you can use knowledge of the pillars—in your macro-level strategy. If you have a list that includes a jouster, arc dodger, turret, and bomber (even if some of these roles overlap on a single ship), your list has no direct counter. Beyond squad design, your knowledge of the pillars can also help you fly against your opponents. When you watch the Coruscant Invitational on Twitch, you might start to recognize how players prioritize their attacks against enemy ships based on how the pieces of each squadron fit together. As an example, I really like flying Darth Vader as an arc dodger. When I get to the table, I immediately analyze my opponent's list to decide who I will target first. If I can eliminate their turrets and arc dodgers, they stand little chance in the end game against a Darth Vader $(document).ready(function() { var opts = { iframe: true, innerHeight: 418, innerWidth: 300 }; $('#11E4F').colorbox(opts); }); who never gets shot. Equipped with Supernatural Reflexes, Darth Vader can barrel roll either before or after he performs his maneuver, granting him tremendous freedom to react to his opponent's final position. In the end, though, the best way to understand X-Wing is to get your ships on the table and discuss your games with the new friends you make along the way. Fly casual, my friends! Discuss this article in our forums! © and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.
Join the Blue Squadron

Published 20 August 2018 | X-Wing Second Edition Join the Blue Squadron See the Prizes for X-Wing™ 2018 Season Three Organized Play “Red and Gold squadron, attack formations. Defend the fleet. Blue squadron, get to the surface before they close that gate.”      –Admiral Raddus, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Upgrade your shields, take evasive maneuvers, and fly with Blue squadron—a whole new series of thrilling dogfights awaits you with the third season of 2018 X-Wing™ Organized Play! This is a season of massive changes. In September, we'll see the release of X-Wing Second Edition, and in October, we'll revel in the new edition at its first major competitive event, the 2018 Coruscant Invitational. The introduction of second edition also means the conclusion of Organized Play support for first edition. To that end, the 2018 Season Three Tournament Kit is the last to offer first edition prizes—even as it simultaneously offers second edition versions of the same prizes. First edition or second edition, the prizes from X-Wing 2018 Season Three Organized Play have got you covered, so strap on your flight suits, scramble your fighters, and fly to battle. With all the buzz surrounding second edition and just a little bit of time left to explore all the possible first edition squads, there's never been a better time to enjoy the galaxy's greatest battles! Fly to Battle Before the Gate Is Closed There's only a short time to enjoy the last of your first edition Organized Play battles before the transition to second edition, so use it to the best of your advantage! Perhaps you'll want to experiment with your latest Resistance or First Order squadrons before their ships and pilots go on temporary hiatus until they reemerge as distinct factions in second edition. Perhaps you'll want to practice arc-dodging ahead of the transition to the second edition's heavily reinforced emphasis on maneuvering and firing arcs. Perhaps you'll want to dedicate as much table time as possible to your favorite first edition pilots and upgrades. However you approach your final Organized Play events for first edition, you'll want to be sure to have fun with them, and you'll be able to add to your enjoyment with the new prizes you can win during Season Three. The X-Wing 2018 Season Three Tournament Kit features seventeen Core Prize Cards, three Elite Prize Cards, and two Elite Prize Sets to reward you and the other members of your local X-Wing community for your participation—both in your final first edition battles and in the earliest of the second edition battles that follow! One copy each of the Core Prize Cards and Elite Prize Cards are intended for the event organizer—to keep or distribute at their discretion—but the rest are meant as prize support for your local Stay on Target Tournament or X-Wing league. And it's up to your organizer to decide whether yours will be an event for the game's first or second edition! Core Prize Card Ready your squad for future victories with the double-sided, extended-art Shield Upgrade card available to the Top 16 participants of your Stay on Target Tournament or X-Wing league. With the ugprade's first edition text on one side and its second edition ability on the other, this Core Prize Card is a valuable addition to your squadron no matter the edition! Elite Prize Card Whether you're looking to the future or trying to race your Blue squadron through the shield gate before first edition support comes to a close, you'll find the double-sided, extended-art Blue Squadron Pilot card to be a valuable addition to your collection. Like the Shield Upgrade Core Prize Card, this Elite Prize Card features the B-wing's first edition version on one side and its second edition version on the other. Elite Prize Set To claim one of the Season Three Elite Prize Cards you need to place among the Top 4 at your Stay on Target Tournament or in your X-Wing league. However, if you place among the Top 4, you might not even opt for the Blue Squadron Pilot Elite Prize Card; you might want to claim an Elite Prize Set of five arcade-style evade tokens. Importantly, even though these tokens are metallic and not actually colored green, they count as "green" tokens in second edition, just like all your other evade tokens, and you can still use them in Organized Play events even after the transition to second edition. Stay on Target, Wave Leader Whether you want to enjoy the current edition as long as you can or you're hoping to usher in the new edition as early as possible—or both—the prizes in the 2018 Season Three Tournament Kit offer you plenty of reason to participate in X-Wing Organized Play. But as we said earlier, this is a season of massive changes, and even the seasonal Tournament Kit is soon destined for change. The 2018 Season Three Tournament Kit is the last of its kind, and we'll release a new style of kit for future seasons of X-Wing Organized Play, along with the additional support provided by the Deluxe Wave Kits meant to celebrate the arrival of each new wave of X-Wing starfighter expansions. We'll share more details about the first of these newer kits in the weeks and months to come, so be sure to check back. In the meantime, put on your flight helmet, check your systems, and talk to your local retailer about how you get involved with X-Wing 2018 Season Three Organized Play. You are cleared for launch! Discuss this article in our forums! © and ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.

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