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News Archive

January 2011
awd2011-01-27 16:28
Tournament Awards 2010

With a little delay this year we just uploaded the tournament awards for 2010. We've given away 29 awards in total this time. Congratulations to all the organizers who did a marvelous job with their events!

Go to the overview
func2011-01-19 17:15
Share tournaments

After the possibility to share our tournament calendar on your website or forum by just linking an automatically updated image, you can now share the current information about any tournament. The image will show the basic data and the current number of signups. You'll find soon links to share in the organizer panels.

If you want so share a tournament now, simply use a link like the following one:


and replace the 6773 from the example with the ID of the tournament (see URL in your browser on the tournament page). The language of the image is controlled by the country subpage. So to show it in French just add a 'fr/' before the 'images' part of the URL:


We'll look into further improvements of the image sharing and also a full HTML version for website inclusion.

Happy sharing!
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