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News Archive

tec2008-12-12 15:46
Server failure 10th to 12th December

On 10th December the T³-server had a harddisk failure. The disk couldn't be saved and had to be replaced. We worked on the reconfiguration of the server as the complete system had to be build almost from scratch.

Due to a couple of unlucky circumstances we had to roll in an outdated backup from 21st November. All changes until 10th December are unfortunately lost. It's pity. Please excuse the inconvenience and just contact us, if you have a question

To ensure that this cannot happen again, daily backups are from now on saved on an external storage.
tec2008-09-12 14:34
Serverupdate - Part 1

The first part of a big update of the server's software just went online. I hope that this will not cause any errors, but please report any problems you encounter.
tec2008-08-21 11:06

We had some massive server problems in the last week(s) which always forced us to restart the complete server. The source of this freezes couldn't be found yet.

Important notice:
Please assure as a tournament organizer that you backup the registrations periodically. The worst case of a server crash on a Friday didn't happen yet, but I cannot guarantee anything.
func2008-02-01 14:25
New "named" tournament quicklinks

You can now access tournaments by a special textual link based on the cleaned tournament name. The organizers can see the link in the orga panel for each tournament.
goep2008-01-30 11:40
GoePP: Announcing Version 2

We're announcing a complete rework of the GoePP. If you have any wishes or ideas, feel free to post it on our support board or here in the comments.

A little preview on the planed features:
* Easier to use
* multilingual
* Better communication between GoePP and T³
* Better support for team tournaments
* Comfortable save/load of tournaments and configuration
* Predefined, selectable paaring setups
* and more
game2008-01-23 11:21
New Gamesystems

T³ supports the following tabletops now:

* Aeronautica Imperialis
* Chronopia
* Necromunda
func2008-01-22 15:03
New User Function: Gamesystems and Armies

Every registered user can now select which games and armies he plays based on the gamedata T³ uses. You can get there by selecting "Your Page" and then the link in the first box.

The selected games and armies are then shown in the player's details in the players' list.
info2008-01-07 20:31
Bug in the commentary system

There was a bug in the commentary system which lead every try to post a comment to an error message although the comment was posted correctly. This is fixed now.
anc2008-01-03 14:56
Tournament Awards 2007

The new year starts here at T³ with the awarding of the best tournaments in 2007. As every year we got Gold-, Silver- and Bronzeawards in two categories by size and the very green BIG-Award.

You can see the winners in our archive or through this direct link: Tournament Awards 2007
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