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Games Overview - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

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Game Details
Name:Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game
Manufacturer:Games Workshop
Popularity:The game is played by 9% of the T³-Users.
It's the preferred game of 3% of the T³-Users.
The T³-Users can field a total of 7840 points.
Rating (1-5):
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Average rating 4.5 after 715 vote(s).

Info: You have to be registered and logged in to rate this game!

This is a list of all supported armies/factions, their distribution between the players and a statistical review in the tournament field:
Angmar (The Misty Mountains)10%0%000
Army of Thror20%0%000
Arnor (The North Kingdom)10%0%000
Azog's Hunters20%0%000
Barad-dûr (Bastions of the Dark Lord)16%3%000
Cirith Ungol (Bastions of the Dark Lord)10%0%000
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood20%0%000
Desolator of the North20%0%000
Dol Guldur (Bastions of the Dark Lord)10%0%000
Dunland (Isengard)10%0%000
Durin's Folk (The Dwarf Holds)113%7%000
Durin's Folk26%3%000
Eastern Kingdoms20%0%000
Elrond's Household20%0%000
Erebor (The Dwarf Holds)113%7%000
Eregion (The Elven Havens)10%0%000
Eregion and Rivendell26%3%000
Fangorn (The Woodland Realms)16%3%000
Far Harad (The Southlands)10%0%000
Garrison of Dale20%0%000
Goblin Town20%0%000
Guardians of the Carrock (Champions of Good)10%0%000
Harad (The Southlands)10%0%000
Harad and Umbar20%0%000
Isengard Raiders (Isengard)10%0%000
Khandish Mercenaries (The Eastern Realms)10%0%000
Khazad-dûm (The Dwarf Holds)16%3%000
Lothlórien (The Woodland Realms)16%3%000
Lothlórien and Mirkwood20%0%000
Minas Morgul (Bastions of the Dark Lord)113%7%000
Minas Tirith26%3%000
Minas Tirith (Gondor)119%10%000
Monsters of Middle-Earth (Champions of Evil)10%0%000
Moria (The Misty Mountains)16%3%000
Radagast's Alliance20%0%000
Rivendell (The Elven Havens)16%3%000
Sharkey's Rogues (Isengard)10%0%000
The Army of Lake-town20%0%000
The Army of the High King (Gondor)10%0%000
The Black Gate (Bastions of the Dark Lord)10%0%000
The Corsair Fleets (The Southlands)10%0%000
The Dead of Dunharrow (Gondor)10%0%000
The Dwellers Below (The Misty Mountains)10%0%000
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (Champions of Good)10%0%000
The Easterlings (The Eastern Realms)10%0%000
The Fellowship (The Fellowship of the Ring)113%7%000
The Fellowship213%7%000
The Fiefdoms20%0%000
The Fiefdoms (Gondor)10%0%000
The Grey Company (The North Kingdom)10%0%000
The Grey Havens (The Elven Havens)10%0%000
The Host of The Hammerhand (Rohan)10%0%000
The Legions of the White Hand (Isengard)113%7%000
The Nazgûl (Champions of Evil)10%0%000
The Rangers of Ithilien (Gondor)10%0%000
The Riders of Eorl (Rohan)10%0%000
The Serpent Horde (The Southlands)10%0%000
The Shire20%0%000
The Shire (The North Kingdom)10%0%000
The Tower of Ecthelion (Gondor)10%0%000
The Trolls20%0%000
The Wanderers in the Wild20%0%000
The Wanderers in the Wild (Champions of Good)10%0%000
The White Council26%3%000
The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest (Champions of Good)10%0%000
The Wizards (Champions of Good)16%3%000
Théoden's Host (Rohan)119%10%000
Thorin's Company20%0%000
Thranduil's Hall20%0%000
Thranduil's Halls (The Woodland Realms)10%0%000
Umbar (The Southlands)10%0%000
Variags of Khand (The Eastern Realms)10%0%000
  • DP: How many players play this army.
  • DA: How big is the percentage of all armies.
  • TN: How often the army was used on a tournament.
  • TS: How strong is the army on tournaments. The strongest army is used for an index of 100 (see army ranking for details). A value of 0 means that we don't have enough data for a classification yet.
  • TV: How often did the army win a tournament.
  • If there is another army/faction behind a name in brackets, the entry is a sub type of this army/faction.
Source of the army list:
  • 1 List from Lord of the Rings
  • 2 List from The Hobbit
The distribution is based on 16 players from Netherlands with 30 army selections. The tournament data is based on 0 tournament placements. You can enter your own armies, if you create an account.

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