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Games Overview - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

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Game Details
Name:Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game
Manufacturer:Games Workshop
Popularity:The game is played by 7% of the T³-Users.
It's the preferred game of 4% of the T³-Users.
The T³-Users can field a total of 4295552913 points.
Rating (1-5):
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Average rating 4.5 after 715 vote(s).

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This is a list of all supported armies/factions, their distribution between the players and a statistical review in the tournament field:
Angmar (The Misty Mountains)29%3%22479.6910
Army of Thror13%1%6752.182
Arnor (The North Kingdom)22%1%4571.034
Azog's Hunters13%1%13363.834
Barad-dûr (Bastions of the Dark Lord)27%2%5867.733
Cirith Ungol (Bastions of the Dark Lord)24%1%4085.846
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood11%<1%1994.341
Desolator of the North1<1%<1%17874.2915
Dol Guldur (Bastions of the Dark Lord)24%1%8068.938
Dunland (Isengard)22%1%3155.151
Durin's Folk (The Dwarf Holds)27%2%11770.674
Durin's Folk15%1%18163.37
Eastern Kingdoms12%<1%5677.533
Elrond's Household12%1%4466.312
Erebor (The Dwarf Holds)25%2%13658.426
Eregion (The Elven Havens)23%1%3771.161
Eregion and Rivendell16%2%10473.052
Fangorn (The Woodland Realms)23%1%2965.532
Far Harad (The Southlands)21%<1%7782.817
Garrison of Dale11%<1%2960.593
Goblin Town14%1%7879.734
Guardians of the Carrock (Champions of Good)2<1%<1%12978.6311
Harad (The Southlands)27%2%9872.456
Harad and Umbar14%1%6164.524
Isengard Raiders (Isengard)24%1%3161.112
Khandish Mercenaries (The Eastern Realms)21%<1%1160.940
Khazad-dûm (The Dwarf Holds)29%3%13256.675
Lothlórien (The Woodland Realms)29%3%13463.454
Lothlórien and Mirkwood15%1%6888.398
Minas Morgul (Bastions of the Dark Lord)25%2%6369.992
Minas Tirith (Gondor)219%6%30078.9214
Minas Tirith17%2%29762.725
Monsters of Middle-Earth (Champions of Evil)22%1%8810016
Moria (The Misty Mountains)213%4%25679.113
Radagast's Alliance12%<1%2973.750
Rivendell (The Elven Havens)212%3%26468.019
Sharkey's Rogues (Isengard)2<1%<1%2670.163
The Army of Lake-town11%<1%6698.3812
The Army of the High King (Gondor)23%1%8072.466
The Black Gate (Bastions of the Dark Lord)25%1%5364.812
The Corsair Fleets (The Southlands)22%1%2753.21
The Dead of Dunharrow (Gondor)27%2%18761.384
The Dwellers Below (The Misty Mountains)23%1%12386.089
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (Champions of Good)23%1%69890.622
The Easterlings (The Eastern Realms)28%2%15759.66
The Fellowship (The Fellowship of the Ring)28%2%2358.890
The Fellowship17%2%4962.51
The Fiefdoms (Gondor)25%1%10660.414
The Fiefdoms12%1%12060.725
The Grey Company (The North Kingdom)24%1%6257.243
The Grey Havens (The Elven Havens)21%<1%2268.050
The Host of The Hammerhand (Rohan)22%<1%3251.280
The Legions of the White Hand (Isengard)210%3%17857.13
The Nazgûl (Champions of Evil)23%1%4586.337
The Rangers of Ithilien (Gondor)23%1%4368.81
The Riders of Eorl (Rohan)22%1%1663.082
The Serpent Horde (The Southlands)24%1%8864.447
The Shire (The North Kingdom)22%1%5481.376
The Shire11%<1%10080.7113
The Tower of Ecthelion (Gondor)22%1%8767.517
The Trolls11%<1%5866.534
The Wanderers in the Wild (Champions of Good)21%<1%17684.614
The Wanderers in the Wild11%<1%2758.892
The White Council13%1%6286.933
The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest (Champions of Good)21%<1%10492.3215
The Wizards (Champions of Good)22%1%27788.8515
Théoden's Host (Rohan)210%3%10054.475
Thorin's Company13%1%3854.763
Thranduil's Hall15%1%15359.397
Thranduil's Halls (The Woodland Realms)23%1%7571.0510
Umbar (The Southlands)21%<1%1864.672
Variags of Khand (The Eastern Realms)21%<1%4083.624
  • DP: How many players play this army.
  • DA: How big is the percentage of all armies.
  • TN: How often the army was used on a tournament.
  • TS: How strong is the army on tournaments. The strongest army is used for an index of 100 (see army ranking for details). A value of 0 means that we don't have enough data for a classification yet.
  • TV: How often did the army win a tournament.
  • If there is another army/faction behind a name in brackets, the entry is a sub type of this army/faction.
Source of the army list:
  • 1 List from The Hobbit
  • 2 List from Lord of the Rings
The distribution is based on 953 players from Germany with 3210 army selections. The tournament data is based on 8973 tournament placements. You can enter your own armies, if you create an account.

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