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game2015-12-04 15:00
Warhammer and The 9th Age

A lot of you may have noticed this already: Whilst Games Workshiop has started the Age of Sigmar a lot of Warhammer fans, fans who like fantasy styled rank and file battles, don't like the new direction. Some groups of real enthusiasts started to work on their own rules. Although there are several custom rule packs for the old 8th Edition of Warhammer nowadays, one group has gone straight through the roof: Instead of modifying the rules, they basically started from scratch and they started the 9th Age of Warhammer gaming. To be on the safe side they dropped any names GW has copyrighted. With its custom lore the game is now known as "Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age".

Therefore you can find the game under this name as a separate entry on T³. If you're running a Warhammer event with the 9th Age rules, be sure to choose the proper game system or contact an admin and ask to change it for you. All registrations will be mapped to the new army choices in this process.

* The official 9th Age website
* The 9th Age on T³
func2015-10-29 15:58
New games overview page

Today we're happy to annouce that we gave the games overview page a complete overhaul. With the latest addition, the popular fantasy football game Guild Ball from Kickstarter, we reached number 142 in our database. That's a really big list of games to choose from and the old boring list of tabletop names wasn't that helpfull...

... so say "Hello!" to the new games overview page. Besides from its great look, it offers a whole bunch of new features:

* Several methods to sort the games, e.g. show the newest or most popular ones
* Several methods to filter the games, e.g. show the ones played by your friends or of upcoming tournaments
* Default sort is based on multiple criterias to offer an awesome overview of all games

>>> To the games overview
tec2015-10-14 14:32
Today's downtime

T³ wasn't reachable from 10:13 till 13:39 due to a server issues. This was the first downtime for over 2 years. All system should be back to normal now.
tec2015-09-24 17:11
T³ goes SSL

Here at T³ we take the security of your data serious. Therefore we're now offering SSL encoded access to the entire webpage. Just type https instead of http into your browser's address bar. Modern browsers will remember your decision after your first SSL secured visit and redirect you to the SSL page when you're visiting us through an unsecured link.

A lock icon in your browser's address bar will inform you about the active encryption. The exact look depends on your browser. We're using the best SSL standards available to us and SSL Labs rates us with an A+. Please contact an admin, if you encounter any issues.

We'll stick for optional SSL usage for a while, before we enforce it for all our visitors.
info2015-08-19 16:57
ETC 2015 results added

We just added the ETC 2015 results to our database. We've got results for each round for Warhammer and 40K and the final standings for Flames of War. Congratulations to each nation for their success and especially to Germany for the overall victory this year.

* ETC 2015
* ETC 2015 - Warhammer
* ETC 2015 - Warhammer 40K
* ETC 2015 - Flames of War
anc2015-07-29 15:23
Reduced support until mid August

It's vacation time. There'll be reduced support from August 2nd until August 16th. Please be patient and don't send multiple mails for the same issue, if you don't get a reply within our usual response time. We'll get things done as soon as possible. Support may vary depending on your country.

If you need your tournament approved before mid August, be sure to register it in the next days. If you need a Premium account, be sure to choose Paypal. Bank transfers won't be checked in the next 2 weeks. If you upgrade your membership and your tournament still shows a limit, run the "Change tournament data" form in the organizer panel once. This will check the Premium state for the event.
game2015-07-03 09:31
Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Update

Just a short note: Depending on what Games Workshop will release in the next days on Warhammer and Age of Sigmar, we'll split those into two separate game system. Please give us a couple of days to react on those ground breaking changes.

Update: We just added Warhammer Age of Sigmar as a new game system. Based on the preview rules this was the best decision we could make. We'll keep an eye on the topic.
disc2015-03-03 15:56
State of T³ and feedback request

As there are more and more requests about the state of the page's state and development, I'd like to share some insights on this topic.

Premium is running okayish. It pays the website's bills and allows me to spend enough time to keep the support running. Nobody is getting rich here. I'm really thankfull for all the organizers out there willing to pay for a real service they get.

The Future is filled with work. The current code base is really ancient and is simply nomore good for new features. I tweaked some minor improvements into the page, but nothing more. For the last 2 months I started working on a complete redesign and recoding of the website. I'm pretty sure that you can imagine redoing over 10 years of work can take more than 2 months. Due to me being a self-employed developer I can only work partly on this and sooner or later I've to go back to regular customer projects. So don't expect any wonderous updates soon. It's like repainting 20.000 points of Orcs and Goblins.

Now we'd like to collect Your Feedback. Therefore we've added this friendly guy sitting on the right side of the page awaiting your feedback and ideas. Just click him and share your ideas. Posting in English or German is preferred. We already have plenty of stuff we're looking into, but now it's your chance to get involved into the future of T³.
awd2015-02-12 14:37
Tournament Awards 2014

It's this time of the year again... we just did the math and awarded the best tournaments of the tournament year 2014. The numbers are really close and there are a lot of great tournaments on the follow-up positions.

Congratulations to the awarded organizers. You're doing a great job. Keep up the good and work.

To the list of awards...
info2015-01-14 15:46
VAT update for customers from the EU

On 1st January 2015 a new VAT law came into place regarding the handling of electronically supplied services. As Althaus.IT - the one man company behind T³ - is located in Germany we had to update some stuff to confirm with the new requirements. The primary change is that we now have to take the VAT from the customer's country into account instead using the German VAT for all orders.

We now have to differ four types of customers:

1) All German customer will be taxed the 19% like before.
2) Private customers from an EU country will be taxed the VAT from their country.
3) Business customers (with a valid VATIN) from the EU will get the Premium price reduced by the VAT from their country.
4) All other customers will be charged the regular price just without any tax.

Due to the fact that we don't want to change our pricings, we're going to take the tax changes on our end. This means that we're simply going to earn less as the average VAT in the T³ countries is higher than the German one.

All invoices will include the correct tax. Please report any issues as soon as possible back to us. In addition we're updated our PayPal integration to reflect the used tax in their checkout process.
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