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End of Month 40K

This is our end of month 40k event for October. Scenarios will be posted to the website soon!

Organizer: neverlandgames (Contact)

More: (support)
Gamesystem: Warhammer 40K (W40K)
Start: 2011-10-30 11:00
End: 2011-10-30 21:00
Seats: 16
Charge: 5 $ (Box Office: 6 $)
Neverland Games
Waynesboro 17268
USAUnited States

Website: http://www.neverlandgamestore.com

Info: The tournament has ended.


2011-10-18 23:56
October 40K Scenarios

Neverland Games October Tournament Scenario 1:

Shiny Bitz

Score as many supply points as possible during the course of the battle.

This mission is a variant of the Pillage scenario on pg 10 of Battle Missions. One objective marker is placed in the center of each table quarter before determining which player has the first turn. At the end of each of your opponent's player turns, you gain one point for every objective you control. To control an objective, you must have at least one of your scoring units and no enemy units (scoring or not) within 3 inches of the objective. Units that are fleeing, pinned, or have gone to ground are not counted in this total.

Spearhead (pg 93 of main rulebook)

Length of game:
Five turns or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns.

Special Rules:
Seize the Initiative (pg 92)
Reserves (pg 94)
Outflank (pg 94)
Deep Strike (pg 95)
Infiltrate (pg 75)

Massacre: If a player has 10 more supply points than their opponent or the opponent has been wiped out (pg 90).
Major Victory: If a player has 5 more supply points than their opponent.
Minor Victory: If a player has more supply points than their opponent.
Draw: If both players have the same supply points.

Battle point modifiers:
+1 if you scored three or more supply points in one player turn.
+1 if you collected 5 supply points from the objective in your deployment zone.
+1 if the opponent has no units in your deployment zone at the end of your final player turn.

Neverland Games October Tournament Scenario 2:

Friendly Fire

Score more kill points than your enemy.

This mission uses the Annihilation rules on pg 91 of the main rulebook in addition to a variant of the Stray Rounds rule from pg 42 of Battle Missions. As this battle represents a portion of an epic battle, stray rounds from the greater war effort of both sides are striking the field to devastating effect. Each player receives two Stray Round markers (1/2” square of thin paper). During each of your shooting phases, drop each of your Stray Round markers from about 36” above the table so that it flutters down to a point on the battlefield. Place a large blast template over the Stray Round marker and inflict hits on any covered unit (friend or foe, even if locked in combat) with the following profile: S8, AP3, Large Blast, Ordnance Barrage.

Pitched Battle (pg 92 of main rulebook)

Length of game:
Five turns or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns.

Special Rules:
Seize the Initiative (pg 92)
Reserves (pg 94)
Outflank (pg 94)
Deep Strike (pg 95)
Infiltrate (pg 75)
Stray Rounds (see above)

Massacre: If a player has 10 more kill points than their opponent or the opponent has been wiped out (pg 90).
Major Victory: If a player has 7 more kill points than their opponent.
Minor Victory: If a player has more kill points than their opponent.
Draw: If both players have the same kill points.

Battle point modifiers:
+1 if none of your Stray Round markers killed friendly models.
+1 if you scored a kill point with a Stray Round Marker.
+1 more than one of your units are in the enemy's deployment zone at the end of the game.

Neverland Games October Tournament Scenario 3:

Duel at Dawn

Kill your opponent's hero with your own or score the most victory points with your hero.

This mission is a slight variant of Clash of Heroes from pg 95 of Battle Missions. Declare one model from your HQ choices to be your army's Hero before deployment is rolled for. Your hero may not be killed by anything but an attack from your opponent's Hero. If your Hero is slain by any other method, they are left standing with one wound remaining. Keep track of the points value of any models slain by your Hero during the game. Models that are part of a unit are considered to have a points value equal to the total value of the unit divided by the number of models in it. Models that are forced to flee by the Hero that left the battlefield or failed to regroup before the end of the battle count towards the victory points total.

Divide the table into four quarters. The player who is determined to go first by the roll-off chooses a table quarter and deploys their forces inside their quarter and more than 9” from the center of the table. Their opponent then does the same in the opposite table quarter.

Length of game:
Five turns or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns. The game ends immediately if one player's Hero slays their opponent's Hero.

Special Rules:
Seize the Initiative (pg 92)
Reserves (pg 94)
Outflank (pg 94)
Deep Strike (pg 95)
Infiltrate (pg 75)
Night Fighting on Turn 1 (pg 95)

Massacre: If a player's Hero scores 150 more Victory Points and kills the opposing Hero; or the opponent has been wiped out (pg 90).
Major Victory: If a player's Hero has the most Victory Points and kills the opposing Hero.
Minor Victory: If a player's Hero has the least Victory Points and kills the opposing Hero.
Draw: If both players' Heroes survive the battle.

Battle point modifiers:
+3 if you hero has taken zero unsaved wounds during the battle.
+1 if you slay the enemy's Hero with a unit other than your Hero and force them to come back with one wound.
+1 if your enemy's Hero ends the game in their own deployment zone.

written by neverlandgames

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