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Hammers & Swords 2019

The 9th Age Fantasy tournament, the first TSA organises in ages.
Join now!!

Rulespack is uploaded

Organizers: Aldades (Contact), Rocco (Contact)

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Gamesystem: The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles (T9A)
Start: 2019-09-29 08:00
End: 2019-09-29 19:00
Seats: 32
Charge: 15
TSA clubhouse
Leugenberg 187/2
2180 Ekeren

Website: https://www.facebook.com

Info: The tournament has ended.


2019-09-29 20:39
Backpack found

Who forgot his backpack?

written by Rocco
2019-09-27 18:48
Full house

Hi everybody,

We TO's are very excited because we will have a full house on Sunday.
Let's make it an unforgettable first edition of H&S 2019.

See you all on Sunday!
TSA team

written by Rocco
2019-09-22 10:42
Lists are up

Some more lists were added to the repository


written by Rocco
2019-08-29 07:57
Less then a month!

Hello generals,

Only a month seperates us from clashing on the battlefield.

Please remember your registration is only final once both payment has been received, and your army list send in.

With more registrations then spots so far (thank you for the great intrest), it is very important to take care of this asap.

Account number and adress to send the lists to are in the rulespack!!!

written by Aldades

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