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January 2013
awd2013-01-17 16:56
Tournament Awards 2012

Some users are wistfully waiting for them and here they are: the [url=www.tabletoptournaments.net/hallofame#2012]tournament awards 2012 (Click me I'm a link)[/url].

We congratulate all the organisers on their great events. The numbers have been close as ever. We know that the system has its flaws, so we ask you to don't take the results too serious. Please drop Blackhawk (see contact page) a message, if you've got any real concerns.
anc2013-01-02 18:06
ETC 2012 - Update 2

It really took a while this time, but we finally managed to update our ETC page with the results of the ETC 2012. For now there're only the final standings, but we'll try to add the single rounds in the next days.

We added the results of each round for WHFB and W40K.

Update 2:
We finally managed to upload the Flames of War results. It took a while because we had to reconstruct the single rounds. We're hoping that this didn't introduce any errors.

To the ETC 2012 page
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