On 27th October the harddisk of the server crashed at 4:17 o'clock. The error wasn't repairable and the disk was stuck in a "read only" mode. All relevant data (in addition to the regular backup) was secured immediatly and a replacement of the disk was ordered.
At the same time we've take the oppertunity and ordered a brand new server. It's technical up to date and has much more power than the old machine. In addition it's running a RAID system so that a single disk failure shouldn't lead to a big impact on the running service. The T³-website was moved directly onto the new machine instead of getting it back on the old one. You should recognize an increased overall speed now.
There could be some minor problems with the move. If you encounter anything unnormal, please contact an admin.
5 years ago T³ started in Germany, Austria and the Switzerlands. For 3 years T³ exists in an international version with France and Belgium.
We're having several thousand registered users from 30 countries with almost 5000 tournaments. And no end is in sight.
This may sound great, but also has its flaws with involving more and more workload. T³ finally extended the level of a hobby project.
Therefore it's time again to talk about the future of T³. I ask everybody for the small favour to take a moment and read the following article thoroughly:
The next tabletop hits T³: Malifaux from the manufacturer Wyrd Miniatures known for his great miniatures. With groups of 5-7 figures five factions meet in a horror/steampunk world.