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News Archive

June 2006
info2006-06-26 10:36
T³-Team: Changes

Like in every other team we've some changes in the T³-team:

* LeonDeGrande leaves the team for other duties.
* J_B isn't anymore a T³-admin for france. Dreadaxe has taken his job.
func2006-06-19 16:09
Subgroups of the gamesystems

After some discussions about the administration of the armyselection of the different gamesystems, we've added a new function:

You can choose now as a tournament organiser which grouped armies/fractions are allowed to be played on your event.
info2006-06-16 10:08
Armyranking - end of the beta

The armyranking has finished its betaphase. In a last step the ranking has been splitted to the T³-countries. So each country has now it's own armyranking besides the global one.
info2006-06-13 17:17
Changing of the extended registration modes

Due to the evolution of the extended registration modes (registration after sending in the money and/or the armylist) we made the decision to change the handling of the premarked tournament registrations.

Such a registration will be deleted after 30 days automatically. The player will be informed 10 days before by email.

Tournaments using the simple registration mode aren't affected by these changes.
func2006-06-05 20:02
New Feature: Organisers' comments

It is possible now for the tournament organisers to comment the given comments of the ratings by themselves. :)
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