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Conquest Bremen - Forgotten Works - List of Participants

1. (anonym)-The NordsNordsyes
2. Tjade aka "Uziel1981"DOldenburg4The DweghomKhachamonyes
3. Hanna aka "Hanna"DMeyenburg1The Hundred KingdomsKhachamonyes
4. Jerome aka "Lord_jayjayjay"DBremerhaven-The Old DominionTabletop Bremerhavenyes
5. Marvin aka "Sades"DBremerhaven111The SpiresTabletop Bremerhavenyes
6. Kevin aka "Lupus"DBremerhaven-The NordsTabletop Bremerhavenyes

Distribution of Armies
The Nords:2
The Dweghom:1
The Hundred Kingdoms:1
The Old Dominion:1
The Spires:1
Distribution of Origins
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