T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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What is T³?

T³ - The Abbreviation:

The abbreviation T³ (3 times T, read: T-Three *g*) is the mathematical version of T*T*T. The three 'T's are standing for the 'T's in TableTop Tournaments.

T³ - The Page:

T³ is a place for tabletop tournament players and organizers. Before the page existed it was a regular problem that tabletop tournaments (except a limited number) were only known locally and often lagged players. For the organizers it was a big bunch of work to manage the registrations with numerous emails or telephone calls.

T³ offers a solution for all this problems. It offers a country wide overview on all the tournaments and a comfortable and powerfull online administration for the tournaments with realtime up to date data.

T³ - For Players:

For players T³ offers an overview on the tournaments: Where are they? When are they? Which rules are they using? How much do they cost? ... You instantly can see which tournaments are next or use the calendar or the map to find suitable tournaments for you. A newsletter informs you what's going on on T³ and in the tournament scene. If you found a tournament you want to participate in, you can easily sign up with some clicks and inputs. In addition you can take a look in the player list to search for people near by to play a round besides the tournaments. We're offering a car sharing page for saving money and to prevent you for not going to a tournament because you don't have a ride.

Sheer luxury: If you sign up for a T³-account you get the whole big load of comforts. For example you get your own personal page with an overview on all the tournaments you particpate in or organize yourself. In addition there are quite a lot options to configure T³ for your personal taste. You can use your account to login with a cookie and then you can sign up for tournaments with even less work.

T³ - For Organizers:

You don't like dozens of emails? Telephone calls at the wrong time? Paper mayham? Only for organizing a tournament? Then you're at the right place on T³. You can almost lean back and relax. The registratrions are processed automatically and you only need a browser to handle almost everything for you tournament.

T³ offers a comfortable organizer panel for your tournaments which a lot of usefull functions: An always up to date list of participants whichs shows informations like origin, army/faction, payment and more. With some clicks you can control all the important stuff. You also can send emails to the players, write news which show up on T³ or reserve starting places for special guests.

In addition T³ is fully compatibale to the Goettinger Pairing Programm (GoePP), which used on more and more tournaments. You can export the data from T³ and into the programm with some simple clicks. Done. Nothing more to do.

T³ - The Games:

A big advance of T³: we're not limited to any tabletop. Although we started for a Warhammer tournament, it's possible to add any game. It should at least be somehow a "tabletop". If you're missing a game, just drop an admin a message.

T³ - The Background, the Development, Today

In the year 2004 the first big (Warhammer) tournament should be organized in Braunschweig (Germany) by the local gaming club Ordo Leonis. There was already a club webpage and it should be extended with an online list of the participants. A short time later there was a script which allowed the players to signup on their own.

As the system was really appreciated the idea came up to offer this as a public plattform for Germany. With the support of the tournament organizers from Goettingen (Hashuts Choosen) new concepts were created and after some months of hard work T³ opened its doors on March, 16th 2005 for the public. After a slow start the number of visitors went up in the sky.

With time flowing by T³ became a central and unique place for tabletop tournaments in Germany. This aroused the interest of our neighbour countries and tournaments from Austria and the Switzerlands started to show up in the calendar.

On January, 1st 2006, T³ made the next really, really big step: It went international which doesn't mean the Austrian and Swiss tournaments. With hard work the complete system (scripts, database, server, ..) was reworked to be independent of a fixed language. T³ was then available in English and French besides the original German and offered a French and English main page. With this step each supported country got its own locale T³ page.
©2004-2025. T³ is operated by Althaus.IT.