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Waaagh tournoi Eden - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Ahmed aka "PokPok"FSaint Maur Des FossésJokers12
2.2.p2Pascal aka "Vaelys"FNeuilly-Sur-MarneBoucherie ArtistiqueThe Horde9
3.3.p3Jbaptiste aka "Milokhovar"FParisISC9
4.4.Quentin aka "Bwaaaane"FSuresnes...Clan Bamaka7
5.5.Cyrille aka "cctoons"FBreuil Le Secthe wysiwyg teamClan Bamaka6
6.6.Pierre aka "Pierrodactyl"FOrleansorléans wargamesStigma-Protection6
7.7.Fernando aka "FER"FOrléansorléans wargamesThe Horde6
8.8.Gregory aka "Borzag"FCombs La Villechoucroute teamClan Bamaka6
9.9.Enguerrand aka "Engue"BPecqDante's Angels6
10.10.Arnaud aka "Diabolo"FCombs-La-Villechoucroute teamDante's Angels6
11.11.Mathieu aka "Zso"FClermontThe wysiwyg TeamISC4
12.12.Steve aka "Argaell"FSt Quentin/IndroisMatriarchy3
13.13.Florent aka "Jack_aubrey"FMelunMatriarchy3
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.orléans wargames (2)6.00
2.choucroute team (2)6.00
3.the wysiwyg team (2)5.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Orléans (2)6.00

Army Results:

1.Jokers (1)12.00
2.The Horde (2)7.50
3.ISC (2)6.50
4.Clan Bamaka (3)6.33
5.Dante's Angels (2)6.00
6.Stigma-Protection (1)6.00
7.Matriarchy (2)3.00
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