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Wormslegion - XI - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Samuel aka "Louen_XIII"DKarlsruhe67Separatistsno
2. Benjamin aka "dunklemacht"DBöblingen128Galactic Republicno
3. Christian aka "KommandoSchmidt"DBöblingen100RebelsAlea iacta estno
4. Kevin aka "Quotentroll"DLenningen (Württemberg)25Galactic Republicno
5. Manfred aka "Manniroth"DTrier48Galactic RepublicAlea iacta estno
6. Tim aka "Decar"DMainz-Separatistsno
7. Joachim aka "Josch87"DLinkenheim229SeparatistsKarlsruher Boyno
8. Pawel aka "BLN_Renegade"DBerlin58Rebelssurge to blankno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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