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Player Profile - hellbrandt_grimm

Player Profile
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Origin:F14000 Caen
Team Viking
F14000 Caen
French Waaagh
F13000 Marseille
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Friends (46)

GamesTournamentsPlayer's AwardsRankingsFriends
Aeronautica Imperialis (1500 Points):
  • Ork Air Waaagh! - 1500 Points
Arena Deathmatch:
  • No details
Battlefleet Gothic (1200 Points):
  • Ork Fleet - 1200 Points
Blood Bowl:
  • Orcs
Eden (250 Points):
  • ISC - 100 Points
  • Jokers - 150 Points
Epic Armageddon:
  • Ghazghkull Mak Uruk Thraka's Ork War Horde
  • Kolonel Rommelz's Blood Axe Ork Mercenary Warhorde
  • Orkamedies Gargant Bigmob
  • Speed Freaks
  • Warlord Snagga Snagga's Feral Ork Horde
Man O'War (2500 Points):
  • Dwarf Fleet - 1000 Points
  • Orc Fleet - 1500 Points
Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game (2000 Points):
  • Lord of the Rings:
    • Moria - 1000 Points
  • The Hobbit:
    • Moria - 1000 Points
Mordheim (4000 Points):
  • Beastmen Warband - 500 Points
  • Marienburger Warband - 500 Points
  • Middenheimer Warband - 500 Points
  • Orc & Goblin Warband - 500 Points
  • Possessed Warband - 500 Points
  • Sisters of Sigmar Warband - 500 Points
  • Skaven Warphunters - 500 Points
  • Undead Warband - 500 Points
Necromunda (7000 Points):
  • House Cawdor - 1000 Points
  • House Delaque - 1000 Points
  • House Escher - 1000 Points
  • House Orlock - 1000 Points
  • Ratskins - 1000 Points
  • Redemptionists - 1000 Points
  • Spyre Hunters - 1000 Points
Space Hulk:
  • No details
War of the Ring (1500 Points):
  • The Misty Mountains - 1500 Points
Warhammer 40K (30500 Points):
  • Astra Militarum - 4000 Points
  • Chaos Space Marines - 3000 Points
  • Eldar - 1500 Points
  • Orks - 12000 Points
  • Space Marines - 2000 Points
  • Space Wolves - 5000 Points
  • T'au Empire - 1500 Points
  • Tyranids - 1500 Points
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (14750 Points):
  • Dogs of War - 2500 Points
  • Empire - 1500 Points
  • Lizardmen - 2250 Points
  • Ogre Kingdoms - 1500 Points
  • Orcs & Goblins - 5000 Points
  • Vampire Counts - 2000 Points
Warmachine (500 Points):
  • Khador - 500 Points
Warmaster (3000 Points):
  • Orcs & Goblins - 3000 Points
Total: 16 Games, 53 Armies, 68700 Points

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