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Bunker Brawl März 2014 - HMD Dojo - Information and Rules

Steamroller 2014.
Wir spielen Semimasters. Das heißt: Wer will bringt 3 Listen mit, alle anderen 2 Listen.
In beiden Fällen gilt D&C1. Characters restricted.
Deathclock 60 Minuten. Es gibt ein Turnierrunden-Zeitlimit mit Dice Down.
In einem Team darf jede Fraktion nur einmal gespielt werden.

Wir danken Ulisses Spiele und Tabletop Hooligans für das Sponsoring unserer Veranstaltung.

Samstag, 8.3.2014

Ab 12:00 Uhr: Einlass, Teamregistrierung und gemeinsames Mittagessen, Bekanntgabe der Paarungen der ersten Runde

13:30 Uhr Paarungsphase Runde 1

13:45 Uhr Start Runde 1

16:00 Uhr Ende Runde 1

16:05 Uhr Paarungsphase Runde 2

16:20 Uhr Start Runde 2

18:35 Uhr Ende Runde 2

Danach: Offene Zockrunde im Gasthof Harlos mit Bier und Schnaps, Abendessen

Sonntag, 9.3.2014

Ab 10:00 Uhr Türen offen

10:30 Uhr Paarungsphase Runde 3

10:45 Uhr Start Runde 3

13:00 Uhr Ende Runde 3

- Mittagspause & Master Craftsman Wahl durch die Orga - 

13:30 Uhr Paarungsphase Runde 4

13:45 Uhr Start Runde 4

16:00 Uhr Ende Runde 4

16:15 Siegerehrung, Abbau

Gespielte Szenarien
Runde 1: Process of Elimination, Rally Point, Into the breach
Runde 2: Supply and Demand, Two Fronts, Incursion
Runde 3: Destruction,Incoming, Fire Support
Runde 4: Outflank, Close Quarters, Balance of Power


Die beiden Teamleads spielen eine Runde Stein, Schere, Papier. 

Das gewinnende Team ist Team A, das andere Team B.

Der Teamlead von Team A setzt einen Spieler seines Teams auf einen Tisch und wählt das zu spielende Szenario.

Team B setzt einen Spieler gegen diesen Spieler am ersten Tisch.

Team B setzt die beiden verbliebenen Spieler an die beiden verbleibenden Tische und wählt die zu spielenden Szenarien.
 Jedes in der Runde angegebene Szenario muss einmal gespielt werden.
Team A setzt die Gegner für diese beiden Paarungen.

Wer will, kann noch nicht erschienene Modelle, von denen aber schon von offizieller Seite die kompletten regeln vorliegen, proxen. dazu braucht man aber einen geeigneten Ersatz.
Proxies für bereits erschienene Modelle sind nicht erwünscht.

Frontarcs sind bei allen Modellen, die keine 360° Sicht haben einzuzeichnen. Auch bei unbemalten Modellen.
Nicht komplett zusammengebaute Modelle sind nicht erwünscht.

Auf unseren Tischen befinden sich Felder. Diese haben nur Einfluss auf Small Based Models. Diese erhalten Concealment und für sie gilt das Feld als Rough Terrain.

Der Gasthof Harlos bietet immer ein Mittagessen an. Dieses sollte im Vorhinein reserviert werden. Es gibt auch immer eine vegetarische Variante.
Wer Frühstück haben möchte, ordert dies einfach an der Theke. Da gibt es feine Brötchen und lebensrettenden Kaffee.
Beachtet bitte, dass der Gasthof Harlos ein Gasthof ist. Selbst mitgebrachte Getränke sind nicht erwünscht.
Parkplätze gibt es sowohl vor dem Gasthof, als auch auf den beiden Höfen links und rechts zu genüge.
Raumreservierungen zur Übernachtung führt bitte selbst durch. http://gasthof-harlos.de

Vom Spieler mitzubringen sind neben den Miniaturen, Schablonen, Regeln, etc. die eigenen Armeelisten und eine Schachuhr oder einen Timer.
Würfel von Q-Dice Workshop sind aufgrund ihrer schlechten Lesbarkeit leider unerwünscht. Wer sie unbedingt spielen will, kann dies tun, aber wir bitten, davon abzusehen.
Jeder Spieler wird gebeten Proxibases in jeder von ihm gespielten Basegröße mitzubringen. Bei Bewegungen von Modellen, die komplexer werden können (Tramples, etc.) ist das Proxibase an die gewünschte Zielstelle zu legen, dann wird gemessen und die Sichtlinie geprüft und erst dann wird die entsprechende Miniatur bewegt.

Preise gibt es, wie der Name schon sagt, bei der Preisverleihung. Wer dann nicht mehr da ist, weil er früher weg wollte, bekommt auch nix. Wir haben Preise für folgendes:

1. Platz
Das Team auf dem ersten Platz am Ende der letzten Runde erhält Sachpreise unserer Sponsoren

1. - 3. Platz

Diese Teams erhalten Urkunden 

Mage Hunter

A player who wins a round via assassination victory records the total number of non-warcaster/warlock
enemy models he destroyed or removed from play during the game. This is the player’s Mage Hunter score for the round.
Models destroyed or removed from play by the opponent are not counted. At the end of the event, the player with the
lowest single Mage Hunter score from any round wins the Mage Hunter award.
In the case of a tie, the player with the next lowest Mage Hunter score (or sequence of scores, if necessary) among the tied players wins the award. In the case of a further tie, if the tied players have already played each other, the winner of that game wins the award. If the tied players have not played each other, they must now play each other, and the award goes to the winner.

During each round, players tally the number of enemy army points destroyed or removed from play, using
the guidelines below. The player with the highest total enemy army points destroyed or removed from play at the end of the event wins the Executioner award. In the case of a tie, the player with more assassination victories wins the award.
• When calculating model value, use the values printed on the model/unit’s card even if that model/unit was created during the game (e.g., Prime Axiom Servitors) or received a discount during army building (e.g., the Call of
the Wild Tier 4 Theme Force benefit).
• Warcasters and warlocks are worth 5 army points each.
• Warjacks and warbeasts are worth their card’s listed point cost. Ignore models that are inert or wild.
• Models and units are worth their card’s listed point cost. Units below 50% of their starting number (rounding up) are worth 50% of their army points (rounding up) including all attachments.
• If a list contains two or more multiple-model solos, all casualties are counted toward one of the solos until it is
completely destroyed.

Master Craftsman

The player with the finest painted army, as determined by appointed painting judges, wins the Master
Craftsman award.

Das Geld kann ab dem 1.11. überwiesen werden. Nicht vorher.
25€ Teilnahmegebühr verstehen sich pro Team.
Die Überweisungen gehen bitte als eine gesammelte Überweisung pro Team auf folgendes Konto:

Kontoinhaber: Tim Grubbert
Institut: Sparda-Bank West
KTO: 2944312
BLZ: 36060591

IBAN: DE06 3606 0591 0002 9443 12

Armeelisten können ab dem 1.1.2014 an listen@headblast.de gesendet werden.
Die Listen eines Teams werden bitte gesammelt in einer Mail versendet. Einsendeschluss ist der 23.2.2014.

Die Listen werden danach in einem eigenen Thread öffentlich gestellt und von der Community geprüft.
Geprüfte Liste können nur dann geändert werden, wenn sie einen Fehler enthalten.

Unsportliches Verhalten & Drops
Wer egal zu welchem Zeitpunkt aus dem Turnier dropt, also aus freien Stücken das Turnier abbricht und an den weiteren Spielen nicht mehr teilnimmt oder sich wie ein Arschloch verhält, erhält einen Strike. Wer als Teilnehmer eventübergreifend auf Veranstaltungen des Headblast Hobbyclubs 2 Strikes gesammelt hat, wird die Teilnahme an weiteren Events untersagt.



Rules set
Steamroller 2014.
We will be playing Semimasters. Meaning: You bring 3 lists if you want to, otherwise 2.
In both cases it's D&C1, characters restricted.
Deathclock 60 Minutes. And we have a tournament round time limit.
Every factioon may only be played once per team.

Wir want to thank Ulisses Spiele and Tabletop Hooligans for sponsoring our tournament.

Saturday, 8.3.2014

From 12:00: Doors open, Teamregistry and collective lunch, announcement of first round pairings

13:30: Pairing phase Round 1

13:45: Start Round 1

16:00: End Round 1

16:05: Pairing phase Round 2

16:20: Start Round 2

18:35: End Round 2
Afterwards: Open Games in the Gasthof Harlos with beer & schnaps, supper

Sunday, 9.3.2014

From 10:00: Doors open

10:30: Paarungsphase Runde 3

10:45: Start Round 3

13:00: End Runde 3

- Lunch break & Master Craftsman Decision from the hosts - 

13:30: Paarungsphase Runde 4

13:45: Start Round 4

16:00: End Round 4

16:15: Award ceremony, clean up

Scenarios played
Round 1: Process of Elimination, Rally Point, Into the breach
Round 2: Supply and Demand, Two Fronts, Incursion
Round 3: Destruction,Incoming, Fire Support
Round 4: Outflank, Close Quarters, Balance of Power

Pairing Mode

Both Teamleads play a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors. 

The winning team is Team A, the other one Team B.

The Teamlead of Team A distributes player of his team to a table and chooses the scenario played.
Team B presents an opponent to the first player of Team A.

Team B now distributes the remaining players to the other 2 tables and chooses the scenarios played at these tables. Each Scenario named for this round must be played once. 

Team A now presents the opponents to both players of Team B.

Players may proxy models, which rules have been officially released, but the models are not available yet. If players choose to do so, they need a suitable miniature as the proxy.
Proxies for released miniatures are not allowed.

Army condition
Frontarcs need to be marked on all miniatures played that do not have 360° LOS. This also counts for otherwise unpainted miniatures.
Miniatures not completely assembled are not allowed.

We have fields on our tables. These only influence small based models. Small based models treat fields as rough terrain and gain concealment.

The Gasthof Harlos offers lunch, which should be booked before the event. There is always one vegetarian dish.
If you want to have breakfast, just let the staff know. They offer coffe and sandwiches.
Please note that the Gasthof Harlos is an inn. So snacks and drinks brought along are not allowed in the Gasthof.
You can find parking spots to the left and right of the Gasthof and also along the road.
If you want to stay at the hotel, please book a room yourself. http://www.gasthof-harlos.de

Gaming equipment
Players are asked to bring their miniatures, templates and rules as well as printed versions of their army lists and a chess clock or a timer.
The official Q-Dice Workshop dices are frowned upon because of their bad legibility. If you want to play them anyhow, you can do so, but we ask you kindly to consider bringing other dice.
Players are asked to bring proxy bases for each base size played. When moving miniatures, which are more complex like tramples, place the proxy base in the target area, then measure distances and LOS and only then remove the moving miniature from the table and exchange the proxy base with it.

Awards will be given out during the award ceremony. If you decide to leave before the ceremony, your prices will stay where they are. Awards will be handed out for:

1. Place
The team scoring first place will be given prices by our sponsors.

1. - 3. Place

These teams receive award certificates.

Mage Hunter

A player who wins a round via assassination victory records the total number of non-warcaster/warlock
enemy models he destroyed or removed from play during the game. This is the player’s Mage Hunter score for the round.
Models destroyed or removed from play by the opponent are not counted. At the end of the event, the player with the
lowest single Mage Hunter score from any round wins the Mage Hunter award.
In the case of a tie, the player with the next lowest Mage Hunter score (or sequence of scores, if necessary) among the tied players wins the award. In the case of a further tie, if the tied players have already played each other, the winner of that game wins the award. If the tied players have not played each other, they must now play each other, and the award goes to the winner.

During each round, players tally the number of enemy army points destroyed or removed from play, using
the guidelines below. The player with the highest total enemy army points destroyed or removed from play at the end of the event wins the Executioner award. In the case of a tie, the player with more assassination victories wins the award.
• When calculating model value, use the values printed on the model/unit’s card even if that model/unit was created during the game (e.g., Prime Axiom Servitors) or received a discount during army building (e.g., the Call of
the Wild Tier 4 Theme Force benefit).
• Warcasters and warlocks are worth 5 army points each.
• Warjacks and warbeasts are worth their card’s listed point cost. Ignore models that are inert or wild.
• Models and units are worth their card’s listed point cost. Units below 50% of their starting number (rounding up) are worth 50% of their army points (rounding up) including all attachments.
• If a list contains two or more multiple-model solos, all casualties are counted toward one of the solos until it is
completely destroyed.

Master Craftsman

The player with the finest painted army, as determined by appointed painting judges, wins the Master
Craftsman award.

The attendance fee is 25€ per team.
Please save money on international transfers and pay at the venue.

Armylists can be sent to listen@headblast.de from the 1.1.2014.
Please send all armylists of your team in one e-mail. Deadline is the 23.2.2014.

All army lists will be made public in a special thread on page5.de and be checked by the community.
Checked lists can only be changed, if they were incorrect.

Sportsmanship & Drops
If you decide to drop from the tournament at any time and do not participate in the rest of the games or if you start serious trouble in any other way you gain one strike. A player with 2 strikes will not be allowed on further events organized by Headblast Hobbyclub.

Info: Only the tournament organizer is responsible for the content of this site.
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