No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Team |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | Matthias aka "Wolfir" | Helmstadt | WEC | Rebel Alliance | 25 |
2. | 2. | Christian aka "Thyreus" | Ebersdorf B. Coburg | Blood Stripes Germany | Galactic Empire | 15 |
3. | 3. | Philipp aka "Brat" | Halle | Blood Stripes Germany | Rebel Alliance | 15 |
4. | 4. | (anonym) | | | Rebel Alliance | 15 |
5. | 5. | Lars aka "Gortag" | Sonnefeld | | Galactic Empire | 13 |
6. | 6. | Ferdinand aka "mercurio7" | Baiersdorf | | Galactic Empire | 10 |
7. | 7. | Philipp aka "Skyballer" | Bamberg | Flying Pink Unicorns of Death | Galactic Empire | 10 |
8. | 8. | Roland aka "Rolinger" | Poppenricht | Flying Pink Unicorns of Death | Galactic Empire | 10 |
9. | 9. | Philipp aka "nerds-gegen-stephanDE" | Bad Kissingen | Blood Stripes Germany | Galactic Empire | 10 |
10. | 10. | Tobias aka "Durian_Khaar" | Würzburg | | Rebel Alliance | 10 |
11. | 11. | Björn aka "CmdrShepard" | Erlangen | Flying Pink Unicorns of Death | Rebel Alliance | 8 |
12. | 12. | Ronald R. | Cadolzburg | | Rebel Alliance | 5 |
13. | 13. | Christoph S. | Bamberg | | Rebel Alliance | 5 |
14. | 14. | Florian aka "Flaig" | Langelsheim | | Rebel Alliance | 5 |
15. | 15. | Dominik aka "Exubitor" | Sand am Main | Flying Pink Unicorns of Death | Galactic Empire | 5 |
16. | 16. | Thomas aka "Tornak" | Fürth | | Rebel Alliance | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |