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SW Legion Battlefield Berlin 500 pkt 1.5 - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1(anonym)DShadow Collective12
2.2.p2Marcel aka "wazzi"DBerlinsurge to blankSeparatists9
3.3.p3Sven aka "Skathrex"DBerlinLast Stand BerlinSeparatists9
4.4.Kevin aka "Nox"DKloster LehninSurge to blankShadow Collective9
5.5.Burt aka "Rizor"DBerlinGalactic Republic6
6.6.Martin aka "Blue_Sun"DBerlinsurge to blankEmpire6
7.7.Maximilian aka "Wordbearer"DBerlinSurge to blankEmpire6
8.8.Emile aka "emilo"DHamburgEmpire6
9.9.Tom aka "Gorkul"DBerlinLast Stand BerlinRebels3
10.10.Paul aka "FuguAllstar"DBerlinSeparatists3
11.11.Patrick aka "kickfire86"DBerlin - MarzahnEmpire3
12.12.Alexander aka "chenffm"DHamburgRebels0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Surge to blank (4)7.50
2.Last Stand Berlin (2)6.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Berlin (7)6.00
2.Hamburg (2)3.00

Army Results:

1.Shadow Collective (2)10.50
2.Separatists (3)7.00
3.Galactic Republic (1)6.00
4.Empire (4)5.25
5.Rebels (2)1.50
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