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Tournament details

2 T 

ETC warm up

Name:ETC warm up
Gamesystem:Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Team Tournament
Organizer:evildane2 (Contact)
Location:Team tournament
Address:Præstelunden 6c
7330 Brande
Hitchhiker offers:There are no Hitchhiker Offer at the momemt.
Start: 2010-06-18 20:00
End: 2010-06-20 14:00
Download ICS-Date: Download the date as an ICS-file...
Seats: 80
Charge: 200 EUR
Description:ETC warm up

June 18th – 20th.

Brande, Denmark.

This summer You have the chance to experience the ETC craziness. The tournament is open to ETC teams and anybody else who can put together a team of eight warhammer generals.

Everything about the ETC warm up tournament will be as close to the real thing as possible. We will follow any and all rules/ restrictions used at the real ETC tournament.

There will be ten team spots at the tournament.
The first ten teams to sign up and paying the entry fee will get the spots at the tournament.

Note the entry fee is for 8-10 participants

Signing up starts 1st of March.

Best regards,
Henrik Mortensen and Stefan Nielsen
More information: http://www.nifcon.dk/etc-warmup.pdf

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