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Minyarts Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 Turnier #3 - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Benjamin aka "Phex_Phantom"DOerlinghausenWeekend WookieesGalactic Republic3
2.2.p2Antonio aka "Der_Rafter2k"DDüsseldorfSegnor NoobsGalactic Republic3
3.3.p3Nils aka "Waramo"DRheineSeparatist Alliance2
4.4.Franz aka "FB8"DHerfordRebel Alliance2
5.5.Lukas aka "Luque196"MünsterRogue Squadron MünsterResistance2
6.6.Sascha aka "Mokel"DAhausChicken XwingsGalactic Empire2
7.7.Christian aka "Super-Rookie"DSchwerteRebel Alliance2
8.8.Billal aka "JudgeGrey"DMünsterResistance2
9.9.Hendrik aka "Celestial"DVechtaGalactic Empire1
10.10.Patrick aka "Evan"DGrevenbroichSchwingen der HoffnungRebel Alliance1
11.11.(anonym)DKoks und HuttenRebel Alliance1
12.12.(anonym)DO'Bannion BandeRebel Alliance1
13.13.Jonathan aka "Darth_Johnny"DMönchengladbachChicken XwingsScum and Villainy1
14.14.(anonym)DO'Bannion BandeScum and Villainy1
15.15.Benjamin aka "Phex_Phantom"OerlinghausenWeekend WookieesGalactic Republic0
16.16.Jörg aka "Eltfario"DGrevenGalactic Republic0
17.17.Jan aka "Azriel"DMönchengladbachChicken XwingsSeparatist Alliance0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Weekend Wookiees (2)1.50
2.Chicken Xwings (3)1.00
3.O'Bannion Bande (2)1.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Münster (2)2.00
2.Oerlinghausen (2)1.50
3.Mönchengladbach (2)0.50

Army Results:

1.Resistance (2)2.00
2.Galactic Empire (2)1.50
3.Galactic Republic (4)1.50
4.Rebel Alliance (5)1.40
5.Separatist Alliance (2)1.00
6.Scum and Villainy (2)1.00
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