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4. Eroberung der Scheune - List of Participants

1. Marcel aka "Ocida"DNeuss107The Old DominionBTTFyes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
2. (anonym)-The Hundred KingdomsKhachamonno
3. Christian aka "Beardling"DAachen12The Spiresno
4. Rahim aka "Lun"DLohmar13The Spiresno
5. Patrick aka "Patty"DMoers41The DweghomFirst Born! TLAOKno
6. Tim aka "Timmey"DGoch72The SpiresFirst Born! TLAOKno
7. Stefan aka "MonkTheDonk"DGrevenbroich84The Old DominionBTTFno
8. Lukas aka "Tyreor"DDüsseldor52The DweghomBTTFno
9. Christoph aka "Zettt"DÜbach-Palenberg106The NordsTeam Harlekinno
10. Sascha aka "Ice-man"DFrechen-The City StatesBTTFno

Distribution of Armies
The Old Dominion:1
Distribution of Origins
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