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Bären Saga - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Matteo aka "TheoMcclane"DBerlin22Irishno
2. Sven aka "Starborn"DBerlin27NormansAufbaugegnerno
3. Alexander aka "FRY"DBerlin-Anglo-Saxonsnon modo, sed etiamno
4. David aka "davecj"DBerlin24Scotsno
5. Karsten aka "Karsten"DGöttingen16Welshno
6. Ulf aka "Ulfinator"DHennigsdorf-Norse-Gaelsno
7. Maximilian aka "Wordbearer"DBerlin-Normansno
8. André aka "milky"DStralsund104FranksDa Kuschlazno
9. Maik aka "Pommespanzer0815"DProhn61IrishDa Kuschlazno
10. Simon R.DBerlin-Romansno
11. Tom aka "Terrion"DBerlin20Anglo-Danesno
12. Richard aka "Khazgar"DPetershagen-Irishno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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