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12. Bier- & Brezelturnier im Comic Portal Dresden - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Christian aka "Teddy82"DRadebeul1281Genestealer CultsS.G.Anono
2. Tom aka "Grenter"DDresden112Space MarinesS.G.Anono
3. Sascha aka "kernsystem"DDresden1036Orksnono
4. Felix aka "Meldefelix"DGaustritz2524Tyranidsnono
5. Steve aka "Chaot85"DDresden6020Tyranidsnono
6. Alexander aka "BigFriday"DDresden-Adepta Sororitasnono
7. Mathieu aka "DeGaullus"DLeipzig394Astra MilitarumFLAT3DAMAGEnono
8. Kay K.DSebnitz-T'au Empirenono
9. Pascal aka "Ashen_Reaper"DDresden972Chaos Space MarinesS.G.Anono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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