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Operation: Armed Ascension 2025 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Victor aka "V1CA"DKiel18Scout SquadKiel Teamno
2. Nico aka "BlackBox707"DHamburg20Brood BrothersKill Team Connectionno
3. Kevin aka "Scinti"DKiel25Cadre MercenariesKiel Teamno
4. Sebastian aka "Resiak"DKiel29Hand of the ArchonKiel Teamno
5. Frontkommandeur aka "Aufs_Maul"DBremen-Tomb WorldsKillzone-Musikantenno
6. Johannes aka "Assur"DMunich39Corsair VoidscarredBavarian Bullgrynsno
7. Jan aka "DaJan"DLilienthal4Farstalker KinbandKillzone-Musikantenno
8. Jan aka "Crodovan84"DLilienthal9Nemesis ClawKillzone-Musikantenno
9. Stefan aka "TheJedi"DWörth-Grey KnightsHammer und Schildno
10. Haiko aka "H-H"DBonn3Hierotek CircleCor Leontisno
11. Holger aka "Nekrodamus"DPolch16Angels of DeathCor Leontisno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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