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8. Leipzig OPEN - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Arne aka "meeouw"DLutherstadt Wittenberg39Scum and VillainyTabletop Club Anhaltno
2. Steffen aka "White_Templer"DErfurt29Galactic EmpireThüringer Bratwursttorpedosno
3. Jonas aka "PiQachu"DBerlin9First OrderX-Swingersno
4. Christian aka "DeathWalkingTerror"DLeipzig83Galactic Empireno
5. Christian aka "Fuller"DOranienburg34First OrderFlight Club Berlinno
6. Alexander aka "Resonanzo"DBerlin25Rebel AllianceFlight Club Berlinno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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