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10 Jahre Salziger Schlachtfelder - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Alexander aka "AL_PRINCEPS"DMainz-RivendellDas Rheintriumviratnono
2. Leon aka "Wuestenloewe"DLindewerra267Haradnono
3. Andreas aka "Avalon_"DWermelskirchen125ArnorBergische Würfellöwennono
4. Simon aka "Poek3lfl3isch"DKaiserslautern111Variags of Khandnono
5. Marcel aka "The_Nurserer"DWeilerbach1299The Wizardsnono
6. Niklas aka "Bago"DSaulheim257The Wanderers in the WildMittelerde-Gerangel Rhein-Mainnono
7. Christian aka "Chris89"DGeisenheim447Dunlandnono
8. Henrik aka "Kahmul"DBoppard251The Dead of DunharrowTeam Bockstadtnono
9. Christian aka "GermanBockwurst"DAachen1299AngmarWestwallnono
10. Jerome aka "Pyroman"DAltrip129The Dead of DunharrowWächter der Grenzlandenono
11. Marvin aka "Thorgrim_8J"DBreckerfeld344Durin's Folknono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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