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GERMAN MAJOR BAYERN 2025 #2 - AGE OF SIGMAR - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Tim aka "PrivateMccormick"DMichelau61Orruk Warclans1-Inch-Redeployno
2. Tobias aka "BlackkTobi"DUlm7Grand Alliance ChaosThe Storytellersno
3. Archie aka "Arcimbaldo"DSchweinfurt426Slaves to Darkness9InchFailsno
4. Markus aka "LeMark"DMünchen452Grand Alliance OrderHammer und Schild e.V.no
5. Bastian aka "Ary"DMünchen425Idoneth DeepkinHammer und Schild e.V.no
6. Erik aka "Kalestu"DUnterschleißheim105Grand Alliance OrderHammer und Schild e.V.no

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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