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Süßes oder Sauron VI - List of Participants

1. Marvin aka "Sturmkraehe"DDachau13The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestStickstoffboyzyesno
2. Michael aka "michitaryan"DDachau48The FiefdomsStickstoffboyzyesno
3. Mathieu aka "DelCyber"DOlching195The Eagles of the Misty MountainsStickstoffboyzyesno
4. Enrico aka "Arphen"DReichertsheim-Thranduil's HallDer Weiß Blaue Ratyesno
5. Tobias aka "Hubeldauer"DDachau71MoriaStickstoffboyzyesno
6. Christian aka "Chris89"DGeisenheim447The Easterlingsyesno
7. Philipp aka "Phyrex"DGarching bei München94Minas Tirithyesno
8. Ferdinand aka "Bob_Der_Troll"DMünchen270Desolator of the NorthStickstoffboyzyesno
9. Flo aka "Elrond_Herr_des_Westens"DKirchheim47The Eagles of the Misty MountainsDer Weiß Blaue Ratyesno
10. Philipp K.DMünchen-Arnoryesno
11. Markus aka "Saruman_der_Weisse"DVaterstetten78The FiefdomsDer Weiß Blaue Ratyesno
12. Alexander aka "Radagast_der_Braune"DVaterstetten227MoriaDer Weiß Blaue Ratyesno
13. Marvin aka "Elgrafi"DPfedelbach27The Dwellers BelowKAR-TOF-FELNyesno
14. Leopold aka "GorgorothBeastEnjoyer9000"DEichenau196The Eagles of the Misty MountainsFlatteryesno
15. Luk aka "lf8gaming"ALinz173The Eagles of the Misty MountainsWächter der Eisenfeste TCG Steyryesno
16. Patrick aka "Paddi96"CHHeerbrugg198The Rangers of IthilienSwiss-Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
17. Sebastian aka "SLe"DMemmelsdorf-ArnorTeam Bruchpunktyesno
18. Finn aka "Flinn"DWürzburg-Angmaryesno
19. Simon aka "sim-"DOberroth7AngmarStickstoffboyzyesno
20. Felix aka "Celeborn_der_Weise"DKirchheim103The WizardsDer Weiß Blaue Ratyesno
21. Armin aka "Sylvebarb"DWürzburg110RivendellTeam Bruchpunktyesno
22. Alessandro aka "Undomiel"DNürnberg527Far HaradMartyrionyesno
23. Valentin aka "Valichking"AWien83Minas MorgulDie Würfelwölfeyesno
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
24. Peter aka "Bareiter"DBayreuth153The Dead of DunharrowTeam Bruchpunktnono

Distribution of Armies
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains:4
The Fiefdoms:2
Desolator of the North:1
Far Harad:1
Minas Morgul:1
Minas Tirith:1
The Dwellers Below:1
The Easterlings:1
The Rangers of Ithilien:1
The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest:1
The Wizards:1
Thranduil's Hall:1
Distribution of Origins
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