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ELBCOAST CUP 18 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Alex aka "Excommunicati0n"DHamburg-Thousand Sonsno
2. Björn aka "Epidemic"DSchwentinental57Death GuardWeekend Warriorsno
3. Martin aka "DerPielerator"DBottrop551Chaos KnightsWürfelgötterno
4. Till aka "JaenkeT"DLübeck174EldarBaltic Brawlerno
5. Sebastian aka "suebbe"DLüneburg3057Death Guardno
6. (anonym)-TyranidsWürfelgötterno
7. Patrick aka "xzess"DSchwerin92Space MarinesDes Imperators Treueste Trinkerno
8. Gerardo aka "Cyan"DHamburg202Chaos Space MarinesJust Primedno
9. Silvio aka "Raupe"DNiedersachsen - Dannenberg (Elbe807Adeptus Custodesno
10. Mathias aka "Panzaknagga"DPinneberg1336Space MarinesLiga der kompetitiven Gentlemenno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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