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1. FUNtastic Tournament - List of Participants

1. Ron aka "Ashkrirr"DDallgow-Döberitz478Stormcast EternalsMaster‘s of Puppetsyesyes
2. André aka "Stoney-Place"DBerlin246Gloomspite GitzWarhammer Berlin 2yesyes
3. Anton aka "Kozak"DBerlin120Legions of NagashKeinsyesyes
4. Ole aka "Gutrot"DHamburg44Kharadron Overlordsyesyes
5. Toni aka "torwaechter97"DBerlin661Stormcast Eternalsyesyes
6. Clémence aka "Claim"DBerlin-Daughters of Khaineyesyes
7. Mario aka "Toto"DBerlin-Blades of Khorneyesyes
8. Jonas aka "FenrizEisenwolf"DBerlin-Lumineth Realm-Lordsyesyes
9. Janis aka "Znipps"DKiel132Slaves to DarknessTabletop Club Kielyesyes
10. Till aka "Intothewilds"DHamburg88Grand Alliance DestructionKeinsyesyes
11. Thomas aka "Pater_Rogan"DBerlin775Orruk Warclansyesyes
12. Christian aka "Onkel_Buechler"DBerlin1008Skavenyesyes
13. Alexander aka "Alexandersson"DPetershagen-Eggersdorf279Orruk WarclansMärkische Schlachtfelderyesyes
14. Benno aka "Discopeise"DBerlin467Stormcast Eternalsyesyes
15. Tommaso aka "Tam"DBerlin-Daughters of Khaineyesyes

Distribution of Armies
Stormcast Eternals:3
Daughters of Khaine:2
Orruk Warclans:2
Blades of Khorne:1
Gloomspite Gitz:1
Grand Alliance Destruction:1
Kharadron Overlords:1
Legions of Nagash:1
Lumineth Realm-Lords:1
Slaves to Darkness:1
Distribution of Origins
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