No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Nis aka "Nis" | Berlin | 2060 | Eldar | | yes | yes |
2. | Phillip aka "Phil-the-Flash" | Berlin | 2213 | Chaos Space Marines | | yes | yes |
3. | Axel aka "Smurf-Account" | Panketal | 206 | The Inquisition | Liga der kompetitiven Gentleman | yes | yes |
4. | André aka "Draxon" | Berlin | 805 | Necrons | HDplus | yes | yes |
5. | Gerrit aka "Geraan" | Berlin, Spandau | 1386 | Death Guard | | yes | yes |
6. | (anonym) | | - | Adepta Sororitas | Just Primed | yes | yes |
7. | Adrian aka "Baumll" | Berlin | - | Necrons | A-Z | yes | yes |
8. | (anonym) | | - | Space Marines | A-Z | yes | yes |
9. | Stefan aka "Fargrath" | Potsdam | 535 | Thousand Sons | Gelegenheitszocker | yes | yes |
10. | Denis aka "Florida_Boy" | Berlin | 231 | Blood Angels | POSAZ | yes | yes |
11. | Kay aka "Ironlors" | Berlin | 129 | Space Marines | Celestial Conquerors | yes | yes |
12. | Dennis aka "Smythy" | Berlin | 1429 | Deathwatch | | yes | yes |
13. | Grzegorz aka "grzeniu" | Berlin | 1758 | Grey Knights | Berlin | yes | yes |
14. | Lars aka "Asrja" | Düsseldorf | 2398 | Chaos Space Marines | Arx Draconis | yes | yes |
Distribution of Armies |
Chaos Space Marines: | 2 |
Necrons: | 2 |
Space Marines: | 2 |
Adepta Sororitas: | 1 |
Blood Angels: | 1 |
Death Guard: | 1 |
Deathwatch: | 1 |
Eldar: | 1 |
Grey Knights: | 1 |
The Inquisition: | 1 |
Thousand Sons: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Berlin: | 8 |
Berlin, Spandau: | 1 |
Düsseldorf: | 1 |
Panketal: | 1 |
Potsdam: | 1 |