Distribution of Armies |
Angmar: | 4 |
Durin's Folk: | 2 |
Rivendell: | 2 |
Théoden's Host: | 2 |
Arnor: | 1 |
Azog's Hunters: | 1 |
Desolator of the North: | 1 |
Eregion and Rivendell: | 1 |
Guardians of the Carrock: | 1 |
Khazad-dûm: | 1 |
Minas Tirith: | 1 |
Moria: | 1 |
The Dead of Dunharrow: | 1 |
The Easterlings: | 1 |
The Fiefdoms: | 1 |
The Legions of the White Hand: | 1 |
Thranduil's Hall: | 1 |
Thranduil's Halls: | 1 |
Distribution of Origins |
Hildesheim: | 3 |
Bochum: | 2 |
Dortmund: | 2 |
Anröchte: | 1 |
Arnsberg: | 1 |
Barsinghausen: | 1 |
Bielefeld: | 1 |
Boppard: | 1 |
Detmold: | 1 |
Dingelstädt: | 1 |
Ennepetal: | 1 |
Gelsenkirchen: | 1 |
Lippborg: | 1 |
Minden: | 1 |
Nordwalde: | 1 |
Wallenhorst: | 1 |
Waltrop: | 1 |
Warendorf: | 1 |
Wermelskirchen: | 1 |