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News - Painting rules and list submission

(Permalink)AoS Wesersturm III (1 dayer) - Painting rules and list submission
2024-12-02 12:35

G'day everyone,
Just a short update regarding some rules changes and the list submission!
The only rules change is that we'll change our stance regarding the painting rules. We know it's not really clear in the AoS League rules as it is currently. What we really really really want is everyone to give it their best to bring fully painted armies because that just looks so much better and feels better too for the opponent. However, as we know all too well, sometimes life just gets in the way and we want everyone who wants to be there to have the chance to throw their models down on the table and fight the good fight. So we'll relax the rules this time and allow non-painted. However, as incentive, the prizes from the raffle will just be drawn for the armies which are fully painted. Also, you'll get as a bonus the good feeling that you've brought a fully painted army to the table so please try your best.
We'll extend the deadline for the lists until 05.12 at 2200 after which we'll close the submission and start reviewing lists.
Rules cut-off will stay on the 03.12 (sorry for not making that explicit, with all these FAQs it's pretty necessary nowadays).
This also means that the new Slaves to Darkness book will just miss out this time around. Otherwise, we can't review and release the lists on time to stay AoS League compliant and be fair to all players.
We've still got a few spots open so tell your friends if they want to come along and join in to sign up for one last friendly tournament before Christmas.

Written by Wesersturm

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