2007-09-21 15:50 Social Bookmarks
T³ supports the so-called Social Bookmarks from now on. We use the service of AddThis.com which allows to use you preferred bookmark site. A clickable button is at the end of the nav and the whole page and looks like this:

We offer a similar service for our feeds , too.
2007-09-19 12:43 Flames of War - Update
With the help of Mister_Pink we could update the - a little bit dusty - armyselection of Flames of War. It's now based on the newest rules releases.
2007-09-13 12:36 Update
We updated our supported gamesystems:
Wargods (of Aegyptus) Since their are now the subsystems "Wargods of Olympus" and "Wargods of Hyperborea" we updated the support of the complete Wargods game. You can now select each scenario as an armygroup and mix them up freely.
Metropolis New to T³ is the new game from Urban Mammoth: Metropolis. This moves the skirmish fights from Urban war to a higher, epic level. More information can be found on the manufacturer's website.
2007-09-13 12:27 Mixed Updates
Also it seems very quite around here, we made many changes in the background, but some things are for the public, too:
Tournament groups Tournament groups are highlighted on the overview page from now on if you've selected "All Gamesystems". While selecting a single gamesystem tournaments part of a group are marked with this infoicon:
- This tournament is part of a tournament group!
In addition we extended the support for tournament groups at several locations so that this feature becomes easier to use for the organizers.
Infoicon: "Nearby you" Registered T³-users can change the distance, which is used to compute if a tournament takes place nearby them, in their T³-options. You can selected a value between 10 and 250km.
Pagination We added a paginationsystem to a couple of scripts which became a little big overfilled with informations (long lists).
NTR-Histometer For all player rankings of the NTR we added a marker which shows the player's position of the last week and how it changed.
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