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General - 2006
info2006-12-22 16:54
Merry Christmas...

Once again a year with T³ will be over soon. Therefore I'm thanking all the people who supported us and I'm wishing all T³-users and visitos a merry christmas and some beautifull days with your families and friends.

As we don't have any big changes planned, T³ will stay available all the time, but the support will take a break.

For the whole T³-team
Blackhawk (Hohohoo!)
info2006-09-06 13:21
T³-Team: New NTR-Admin for Belgium

The T³-team get's strengthen again to deliver the best support for the users.

Stéphane alias Gandalf will support us in the administration of the belgish rankings.
info2006-06-26 10:36
T³-Team: Changes

Like in every other team we've some changes in the T³-team:

* LeonDeGrande leaves the team for other duties.
* J_B isn't anymore a T³-admin for france. Dreadaxe has taken his job.
info2006-06-16 10:08
Armyranking - end of the beta

The armyranking has finished its betaphase. In a last step the ranking has been splitted to the T³-countries. So each country has now it's own armyranking besides the global one.
info2006-06-13 17:17
Changing of the extended registration modes

Due to the evolution of the extended registration modes (registration after sending in the money and/or the armylist) we made the decision to change the handling of the premarked tournament registrations.

Such a registration will be deleted after 30 days automatically. The player will be informed 10 days before by email.

Tournaments using the simple registration mode aren't affected by these changes.
info2006-05-18 19:28
Languageselection on the .net-domain

A little, but expedient change of the language control has been accomplished on the .net-domain of T³. Till now the language has been specified by the selected country. Now it will be selected accordingly to you browser setting.

If a language is selected that is supported by T³, it will be used to show you the website. Any options set by a T³-user will overwrite the automatically determined language.
info2006-05-17 11:14

Good news everyone. After France joining us a couple of months ago, another country is extending the T³-family. Belgium is now the 5th country, that uses the T³-system.

T³ is supported in Belgium by the "Belgian Dogs of War", the big beglian wargamer community (bdow.be). The BDoW-president Quentin de Meuter will be the responsible T³-admin (with help of cenotaphe in the beginning). A supportboard for the belgish people can be found in the BDoW-Forum, too.

We're happy about the interest in our work and the future cooperation.
info2006-03-23 13:57
New personal page

The old personal page of each T³-user has become really overloaded and complex over the time, it has just been reworked completely. Now there's for each part a seperate area and all the pieces of information have enough space. The complete overview to each part are accessible through the big, white buttons (not for "status").

It's needless to say, that we'll keep to maintain and extend the service for our registered users, so that's allways a good idea to create a T³-account.
info2006-03-23 10:28
Advertisement - Still places avaiable...

T³ still offers free places in the advertising contingent. So if you're interested to advertise close to your customers, take a look at our contact page. There you'll find further information about this topic.

Brand new: on selected countries focused advertisement is possible from now on.
info2006-02-28 13:57
Newsletter... again...

There was still a problem with the newsletter. All countryspecific newsletter have been saved as the international version with the first entry. After an update it was saved correctly.

If you get a wrong newsletter, please update your selection via the nav-point "Newsletter".

Please inform me, if you still encounter any problems.
info2006-02-22 13:26
New Gamesystem

There's again a new gamesystem supported by T³: Classic Battletech is available for online administration of tournaments now.
info2006-01-16 15:38
New! New! New!

New Teammember:
Jean-Bernard "J_B" Mondoloni will support cenotaphe in the administration of T³-France.

New Gamesystems:
A few days ago Reapers "Warlord" joined the T³-gamefamily. GWs "Warmaster" joined it today, too, and is so available for T³-tournaments now.
info2006-01-11 11:52
Problems wiht the NTR

There's still a little problem with the NTR. We're working on it and hope that it won't be in the next computation.
info2006-01-09 12:24

Something has to be with that damn emails and that caused our server to send four times so much emails as he should. Every user got every version of the newsletter. I beg for pardon for these faux pas. The script has been fixed and from the next week on the newsletter will be send correctly.
info2006-01-08 14:44
Countryselector and email problems

After somebody informed me that you cannot select the country in the navigation, I fixed the script so that the selector isn't admin-only anymore. ;)

While fixing the email routines for compatibility with Freenet another little bug occured. That caused emails sent through the player's list to not leaver our server. Now all errors should finally be fixed.
info2006-01-06 21:15
New Teammembers

Since cenotaphe joined the T³-team as an admin for T³-France some time ago, we are proud to annouce some new mebers:

LeonDeGrande - T³-Development
Zweifler - NTR-Admin Austria

LeonDeGrande support us several times with creative ideas und helps us now with the extension of T³ to a central for information around the of topic tabletop-tournaments. Be prepared for the things coming.

Zweifler supported us with getting T³ known in Austria and sent us results of tournaments quite often. He will now maintain the AT-NTR.

Welcome to the team...
info2006-01-06 20:09
NTR - New Feature: Search

A search function has been added to the NTR. Now you can find entries quickly in the NTR. Several search parameters, like searching in a selected gamesystem, are supported.
info2006-01-04 14:32
Some New Year Problems

Due to a little bug the NTR has been computed with a delay of a couple of hours.
info2006-01-03 15:15
New Gamesystems

From now on T³ supports following new gamesystems:

* Wargods of Ægyptus
* Urban War
* Le Retour des Dieux
* Demonworld
info2006-01-01 19:23
T³ - Welcome International Guest

With the start of the year 2006 T³ made a big step and is available for multiple countries (Germany, Austria, the Switzerland and France at the moment) and in multiple languages (German, Englisch, French).

Feel free to contact me or leave questions or feedback here in the comments or in our forum.
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