T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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Tournament Calendar

Following tournaments take part at May 29th 2023:

BAYERN MAJOR 40K - 3Tagesturnier
Name:BAYERN MAJOR 40K - 3Tagesturnier
Gamesystem:Warhammer 40K
Organizers:BayernMajor40K, Riot
Address:Schweinfurterstraße 11
97080 Würzburg
Start: 2023-05-27 12:00
End: 2023-05-29 17:00
ICS-Date-Download: Download the date as an ICS-file (complete tournament calendar: ics)
Seats: 130
Charge: 115 EUR
More Information:Go to the tournament page
Bier und Brezel 40k
Name:Bier und Brezel 40k
Gamesystem:Warhammer 40K
Organizers:Andori, Asgard-Aschaffenburg
Location:Asgard Aschaffenburg e.V.
Address:Großostheimer Straße 189
63741 Aschaffenburg
Start: 2023-05-29 08:00
End: 2023-05-29 20:00
ICS-Date-Download: Download the date as an ICS-file (complete tournament calendar: ics)
Seats: 14
Charge: 15 EUR
More Information:Go to the tournament page
1.Hamburg Harbour ROOKİE RTT
Name:1.Hamburg Harbour ROOKİE RTT
Gamesystem:Warhammer 40K
Location:Restaurant Anno1905
Address:Holstenplatz 17
22765 Hamburg
Start: 2023-05-29 09:30
End: 2023-05-29 21:00
ICS-Date-Download: Download the date as an ICS-file (complete tournament calendar: ics)
Seats: 14
Charge: 25 EUR
More Information:Go to the tournament page

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