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European Single Player Championship 2010

No entry restrictions, members of the ETC teams who wish to take part have priority.

Organizers: Echsodus (Contact), Gitzbang (Contact)

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Gamesystem: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB)
Start: 2010-08-05 08:00
End: 2010-08-06 18:00
Seats: 220
Charge: 20 (Box Office: 25 €)
Eispalast Münster
Steinfurter Straße 113/115
48149 Münster


Info: The tournament has ended.

Other tournaments at this event:
* Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Team
* Warhammer 40K - Team
* Warhammer 40K
* Warhammer Fantasy Battles

To the group page


2010-07-12 23:11
ESC News

We have right now 176 player that signed in but only ~30 paid. We now decided that we will offer an alternative tournament at the same time. Note that the ESC will be hold like it was planed with 7th edition 1500 point and army swap.

We now offer additionally an 8th edition welcome tournament. This tournament will be hold at the same venue and the same time like the ESC. It is 2500 points 8th edition no army swap.

We ask you to pay as soon as possible for this event and please make sure for which event you pay ESC or 8th edition.

Here is the link for the 8th edition tournament: http://www.tabletoptournaments.net/t6366

Hope to see you all soon in Münster!


written by Echsodus
2010-02-09 10:37
Registration open

The registration for the ETC single player event is now open.

written by Echsodus

Recommended Tournaments
The organizer team hasn't organized any tournaments yet.Visitors, who participated in this tournament, are also going to the following tournaments:
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